Journey with a Spirit Guide: The Redwood Tree


I love and honor these beautiful  & wise beings we call redwoods.

In 1990 I was with a group on a retreat at an estate – a Swiss Chalet nestled in a valley surrounded by Mount Tam (Tamalpais) in Mill Valley.

We took a break on Sunday afternoon.  I went hiking along a fire trail near some redwoods.  I stepped into the sacred grove of trees and put my hands on a redwood and closed my eyes. I felt waves of peace enter my mind and body. My heart was at peace.  I put forth a question:

“What are you here for?”

Some people were talking nearby and I was distracted and embarrassed and moved my hands away from the tree.  I didn’t want to be seen as a tree hugger.

In March or April of 1991 I was hiking the upper trails at Jack London park in Glen Ellen when I was drawn to the redwoods there. I closed my eyes and put both hands on one of the trees.

We hold up the sky.

The tree seemed to have responded to the question I had asked in September of 1990 to my surprise and astonishment.  A deep love flooded my heart.

I did a vision quest to find a new place to live in mid 2000. On Thursday November 30th, 2000 I moved to the City of Sonoma. Exhausted from moving I put my futon on the living room floor and slept there overnight.

Around dawn I had an interesting dreamtime dream:

My spirit was standing inside my own body trying to get free. I was looking down at my sleeping body on the futon. A woman’s spirit body sailed in and told me how to fly free of my corporeal form. I flew up the street in the dusk light and careened into a friend’s apartment. She mistook me for a ghost and batted a broom at me and I sailed out of there into another apartment of a working couple and their children getting ready for work and school. I zoomed around there and found myself twelve to twenty years in the future.

I was in the house of a good friend surround by luminous objects that had been gently placed in chairs and couches in her living room. Her body had died and her happy spirit was lighting up her favorite objects upon her departure.

As the dream ended I felt reeled back into my body.

Many months later I felt the wisdom of the smallish redwood tree in the front yard just outside the front windows, about 40 feet high.  This redwood tree created a wandering vortex in my living room where I did all of my healing sessions with clients over the phone and in-person.

Here this Redwood became my teacher.

In the parts that follow I will share another remarkable story about the nature of reality, redwoods that sing and the teachings of the redwoods.

In March 2001 it was my custom to sleep until 8 or 8:30 am, meditate for 20 minutes, eat breakfast and start my day seeing clients. One particular morning I had a dream about my therapist. In ordinary reality she had said that she would refer me to anyone in particular need of my services.


In my dream I was standing directly behind her as if we were standing in-line and I said in rather demanding way –


“You’ve always said that you would refer someone to me, but you never have.”


She turned and shouted. Into my face:

“I just did!”


I woke up with a start at 8:15 am.


Five minutes later the phone rang. I let the machine get it. It was a new perspective client.


She began the message with. “I was referred to you by Susan R-” my therapist.


I picked up the phone. The woman – prospective client had just moved from the Santa Cruz mountains to San Rafael. She explained her situation, I told her about the dream. She needed work right away, so I scheduled her after my regular clients for the early evening at 7 pm. It was to be a phone consultation.


I began the prep work at 5:45 pm. The nature of the work – removing alien implants was a tricky procedure. Though I had never worked this kind of case before I felt spirit – and in this situation my Redwood Guide had brought this work to me. I invited all of my highest spirit guides to assist me in preparing the space where I would be making interdimensional contact with the client.


Making sacred space is important in all work with clients whether they are in the room with me or thousands of miles away. Forty five minutes later I had completed the initial work, about 6:30 pm. A curious thing occurred. The space collapsed – the vortex fell over. I put it back up. Then I saw – closed eyes – with my third eye that they’re tears in the space-time continuum.


“What do I do about that?” I asked them – the Guides.


The spirit of the Redwood outside my front door answered. I was to reach out with my index and middle fingers of my right hand, not my literal fingers but plasma or spirit fingers (I am right handed). The index finger of the right hand represents the active principle of intention. The middle finger of the right hand is the active principle of balance and responsiveness.


I reached out and put my two fingers inside the tear of the space-time continuum and pulled the reality and healed the rift I the vortex. The Redwood guided me to know that 99.999% of reality is belief and the rest the 0.001% are Newton laws or physics. Normally we think of beliefs as constructs of the mind that we create, and while this is true beliefs span a wider scope. They include the underpinnings of beliefs as created by biology, genetics, culture and cultural agreements, the technologies of language and how perception is created and filtered through agreements that become beliefs.

 Bend physical laws and alter reality.   So says Redwood.

At 7:40 pm I was still having difficulty holding the space when the phone rang. It was the woman calling to say that she wanted to cancel the appointment. I was irritated with her decision. I told her about the Guides and my preparation and my intention to start at 7 pm after getting a bite to eat. She changed her mind again and said she would call me back at 7 pm.

I ate and waited for her call, which didn’t come. I waited until 7:20 pm. Stupidly I didn’t have her phone number. When I was talking with a friend the client called back and left a message.

I called her back. “Why didn’t you call me at seven as we had agreed?” I asked her.

“I was waiting for you to finish eating.”

I told her that I had let go of the space. We set a time the next night and the Guides and I were successful at removing the implants.


2 thoughts on “Journey with a Spirit Guide: The Redwood Tree

  1. Pingback: Fields of Perception: Belief and Attention | psychesweather

  2. Pingback: A Dream Search – psychesweather

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