Thinking and Slavery

Thinking is worshiped because it is right in front of us. Thinking seems to follow into the rational. The currency of our daily reality is associative thinking* that through the so-called rational all other realities are obfuscated.

(*Associative thought is all we have – that is putting one thought next to another thought. A good example of associative thinking is – travel from one place to another. We cannot think of the whole trip at once – sure we can look at a map which is a symbol – map of the whole trip. We think I’ll drive or walk down this street, turn right on this street get on the freeway take this exit etc. Associative thinking is thinking of the steps one after another contiguously but or minds can not hold all the steps at once.)


Think about it.


Here I am asking you by telling you to focus your attention with thoughts about how our reality is constructed. We are taught to focus our attention on what is in front of us.


Start with school:

Rectangular classrooms, desks in rows and columns, teacher at the head of the class, eyes forward and a phrase or two for reinforcement:

“I want your undivided attention.**”

This is the Prussian military model adapted to education.

Roads and automobile travel requires as to look straight ahead.

Movies and television mesmerize our attention to the front.


When our attention is always focused where we look then we miss the gestalt of our experience. The tension is always focused on the next thing.

What will I get?

What is my goal?

I want that, etc.


The beginning of a richer life is working on being present.

Relax.  Soften the focus.  What else is there?


Focus need not be so pointed. Focus is both a receptive and an active technology involving perception, emotion, intuition and so on.


** What’s wrong with a divided attention?

Lost Worlds




Based on the Toltec of the Six Worlds. In 1992 we entered the Sixth World.

Or could all be Science Fiction?

The first world started about a billion years ago. Seven Advance Extraterrestrial Species seeded planet Earth with a variety of lifeforms. This ended with the first mass extinction event about 400 million years ago.

During the second world the Seven Advance Extraterrestrial Species colonized the planet about 375 million years ago and lived until the second mass extinction event about 75 million years ago. About 100 million years ago the Shambhallans vibrated into a higher frequency and disappeared from the ordinary world into a higher parallel reality, known as the Hidden Directorate, Shambhalla, Beldovia, Shangra-La etc.

The third world began about 35 million years ago and although there was a mass extinction event around 8 million years ago two etheric races survived. One became Lemuria around 4 million years ago and another became Hybornea about 3 million years ago. Each of the etheric species became corporeal. A third group was formed from Lemurian and Hybornean heritage and an Extraterrestrial species and became know as the Atlantians about 500 thousand years ago. The mass extinction event was the result of an atomic war against Atlantis started by Lemuria and Hybornea but triggered by an Extraterrestrial species. The third world was organized by clans.

The fourth world was the matriarchy – they survived one 1,000 years of a nuclear winter and existed another 4,000 years until the Huns from Asia were the first to conquer them. The colonists from Europe were the last to destroy the matriarchy in the Americas.

The fifth world began with written history around 3,500 years ago and the patriarch was born.

Energetically the world change in 1992 to the sixth world – the world of partnership and is as yet to be defined or described.

Fields of Perception: Belief and Attention


We make assumptions that belief is something we create based on what our family passes on to us and what we create on our own. While this is true it is only a small portion of the wider scope of belief. Perception and belief are ordinarily blended because of the limitations human perceptual abilities that does not sense what is beyond them mainly – histories.

Essentially belief is “a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing” or it is “something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion” or “conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomena especially when based on the examination of evidence.” from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Consciously held beliefs are not direct experience or “knowledge” (knowledge denotes direct experience or a body of direct experiences). However one may have a direct experience that later becomes a part of a belief. We may feel that beliefs based on direct experiences are immutable. The building blocks of belief begins with assumption and may form into a priori reasoning, thus all information is screened through an assumption or premise which is deemed to be a truth.

Some basic human assumptions or beliefs – such as “When I fall asleep at night I will wake up to a new day and everything will appear as it was before I went to sleep except it will be morning and light outside.” or “The Seasons will bring usual weather and at times will be be severe.” The first assertion is based on experiential evidence we gather. The second assertion seems to be changing with climate change: an increase in severe storms and hurricanes, and increasing fires in the west. A belief is being altered bases on new evidence.

Belief is how we are trained through our biological and genetic heritage to perceive the world and truths. Culture itself is a belief. The meta-rules of social interactions in a variety of nations and ethnic groups are beliefs. Belief springs from the technology of language, which is a symbol of reality.  The interface between humans and a direct perception of reality are the words and concepts that words represent.  Language is hard-wired into our brains and inescapable, just as ego is a point of view that is fixed in us. Reality is 99.999 percent belief and the 0.001 percent are some basic laws of physics. Conquer all beliefs and bend the laws of physics.


Most of the ways in which we perceive our consensual reality are based on belief.  I learned this when I became aware of a teaching. (See link at the end of the text/bottom of the page)

Perception |pərˈsepSHən| noun

the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses: the normal limits to human perception.

  • the state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way: the perception of pain.
  • a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression: Hollywood’s perception of the tastes of the American public | we need to challenge many popular perceptions of old age.
  • intuitive understanding and insight: “He wouldn’t have accepted,” said my mother with unusual perception.
  • Psychology & Zoology the neurophysiological processes, including memory, by which an organism becomes aware of and interprets external stimuli.

From the New Oxford American dictionary

Once we include beliefs as a structure from which perception operates we can begin to learn how to leave ordinary reality for alternate realities. The key to operating from a wider perspective and opening up new ways to perceive alternate realities is through attention. Attention when practiced can lead to greater or wider states of awareness. It could be said that attention is a building block or tool for consciousness and with greater states of consciousness comes enlightenment.

We are often trained to focus our attention along the lines of associative thinking, focusing on item A then item B and so… Divided attention is misunderstood and is, therefore discarded as a waste product of an undisciplined mind. Focused attention allows for a deep connection between observed and what is being observed fostering identification or attachment. Attachment blurs the boundary between self and non-self and sets up a possible pattern for addictive behaviors to develop. The demands for undivided attention begins in a Prussian Militaristic model of education and continues throughout life to keep citizens / consumers in a linear caste system.

Training in dividing one’s attention creates three or more possibilities for wider more diverse perspectives. Identification or attachment is part of how we learn and grow, however divided attention allows a space within us for the neutral to flourish. It creates a way of thinking that allows for choice and creativity between three points that is more accessible that undivided attention portends.

In dividing attention one cannot put 100% of our attention on either one or two points. Divided attention requires variable attention one a major and a minor point. A good exercise in dividing one’s attention is the following:

Sit.  —— Stare at a fixed point opposite you. Continue to stare at it and shift your attention into your periphery. Pay attention to what is in your periphery without looking at it directly. This is an example of active divided attention that is outwardly focused. Receptive divided attention in a visual field requires a neutral inner point or observer to receive the incoming information that becomes more obvious than active divided attention. While staring at the fixed point and paying attention to the periphery while softening attention at the two points.

We can then receive information from the field between the periphery and the center point.

Belief partially constrains our flexible creativity to expand beyond our primary perceptual ability or abilities. If you are a visual or picture thinker it’s likely that you incorporate other fields of perception other than the visual through learning ordinary cognitive and associative thought processes. Cognitive thought through the technology of words is the common denominator for primary communications of all humans on the planet. Emotive and empathic perceptions is another way many people navigate the world, which may include hunches or intuitive perceptions. Language and cognitive thinking is needed to interpret emotional perceptions. Kinesthetic perceptions that come in the form of movement through a space often involves an intuitive sense akin to emotional perceptions and linked to sensations of the body (combinations of perceptions) and cellular memories. Kinesthetic perceptions may also be called “a learn-by-doing approach ” or “hands-on” methodology.

Once we can cognitively identify each of the kinds of perceptual fields and observe the differences we can see which type or combination of types predominates our lives. By knowing and exploring what we have we can begin to experiment with techniques that open us to other fields of perception.

One reason why autism may be so daunting to those diagnosed with the disorder may be due to the amounts of information flooding the system. If autistic and dyslexic individuals are visual thinkers then the information contained within a picture is at once amorphous and ambiguous at best, loaded with emotional elements, cognitive data, kinesthetic, tactile and perhaps olfactory sensual information to name a few. The first experience of data from a visual/picture – time / spatial orientation is most likely incredibly overwhelming, akin to having an atomic bomb of visual, mental, emotional, tactile and olfactory data exploding simultaneously. The individual response for control of this data stream might be to narrow the focus as to screen out that which cannot be processed in favor of a very narrow bandwidth of data, much smaller than that that is experienced. Perhaps this is one reason why the time-visual / spatial perceptual field is over-looked as something incomprehensible to cognitive perceptions. Cognitive perceptions limit the amount of data that can be received and as a result is a reductive and highly symbolic mode of perception.

Worship of rational cognitive perceptions are often rigid and exclude all other modes of perceiving as irrelevant or nonsense. The rubrics of Science and Technology are organized in predictable ways that allow us to feel safe within its logic. The reductionistic nature of rational-cognitive thinking that excludes other fields of perceptions can provide surety in an uncertain world, but like the autistic or dyslexic it is a codified way of keeping reality in a narrow and controlled bandwidth encouraging addiction and slavery.

Further resources:

The Other (Invisible) Beliefs


Often when we think of beliefs we think of our conscious beliefs – experiences that color our lives.  While many conscious and unconscious beliefs shape the scripts we run about ourselves there are other beliefs that underpin the very nature of our existence of which there is very little or no control. Awareness of these kinds of behind the scenes beliefs are the first steps to mastering beliefs and overcoming the realities they create.

We agree on what is a table

group of people in conference room

These agreements are beliefs

We believe that our perceptions are real and therefore are basis of all that is real and true.  These perceptions have been built up over centuries based on cultural beliefs constructed by language and ego. Underneath the beliefs constructed by civilization are the biological precepts or beliefs that we tell ourselves and of which the human genome (DNA – genetics) and the wiring of our brains are parts. In other words we can see that we have a body and we perceive visual stimuli, sensory orientations in time and space, auditory, gustatory, olfactory stimuli and so on that shapes our perspectives and beliefs in the human experience. These beliefs shape how and what we perceive from the point of view of human consciousness.

We agree on what is a table, a chair, house, clothing, parent, child, husband, wife, partner, friend, city etc. These agreements are beliefs that hold together an agreed perspective on reality which in turn becomes a belief and is absorbed in the seamlessness of reality or the background.

beliefs are an aggregate of perceptual filters

Placed on the platform of the human belief are other systems of belief that are part of spirituality, religion, social and political intercourse of daily life. On top of these presumptions are intergenerational family beliefs that taken for granted become part of our unconscious programming.  For example if most of the women on one side of a family system have children at a certain age – say 33 – then there is a strong unconscious program that may run across the mindset, emotional, hormonal and body beliefs that instruct a woman to get pregnant at age 33. Or another example of inter-generational belief may have to do with the age we die.  If all the males died at between 87 and 93 then its possible that all the males may decide this is the age of death and succumb to passage at that time.  If it’s not time one sometimes sees a person giving up and waiting for death.

In short beliefs are an aggregate of perceptual filters that our neurology projects into a quanta world to shape reality based on a collective mutually agreed upon structure which has all been invented.


For more see: Perception, Belief and Attention