Down at the Crossroads

Photo by sergio souza on

[with a nod to Eric Clapton – Cream and “Wheels of Fire”]

We – Americans are at a crossroads. If we succumb to going “back to normal” the default position when our “candidate wins” then it may be doomed by in-action.

Cross-checking my concerns with large pattern astrological events such as the birth of the United States in 1776 and now, we have a Pluto return. The Yugas in Hindu/Vedic texts under new corrected mathematical calculations report that the Ascending Kali Yuga — the most chaotic and devolved epoch is close to ending in 2025 followed by a 300 year cusp or buffer period. The Kali Yuga is reflected mythologically with the United States Pluto Return.

Both Pluto and Kali are about destruction to create something new. This kind of destruction is outside everyone’s control. It’s like surfing in a tsunami. Alchemically this is the Phoenix Bird on fire that rises from the ashes.

The question is do we succumb to fear, falling back on false mythic memories of comfort in the last 50 to 80 years and create fascism? Or do we venture into uncomfortable territories facing fearful challenges with a bold new philosophy that can be applied to us collectively and individually with inclusion in mind?

I choose the latter.

For more on the Kali Yuga in the context of Consciousness with footnotes:

Trump: The Anti-“Forrest Gump”

The pinnacle of Republican Party dominance comes with an Anti-“Forrest Gump” demon: Trump. He’s the thug, the ignorant and exceedingly clever con-man that many in the public are identifying with his “common man” vernacular.  He is the front-man for world-wide corporate power. He opens the flood-gates for others as bad or worse than he is, to come in and take over. Trump has set the precedence for the future.

This is a man characteristic of the age – of everyone for themselves. When value was transferred from moral principle and the common good – many, many years ago and worth began to be determined based on the amount of money and assets one had, this was the beginning of the end.

Trump is a symptom of this. His addiction to money, power, greed, strength and revenge can never end. He lives for a future that can never be realized. He must prey on the weak. The toxic patriarchy has been taken to its logical extreme and coupled with predatory capitalism is eviscerating all that don’t belong in the privileged white male Top-Of-The-Class group. The hierarchical based system will always have someone at the bottom. The hierarchical based system will always have someone at the bottom. In our current world where concentration camps have already appeared – there are more to come.

Even if by some hard-earned miracle Trump loses and is removed from office he will be back with a vengeance – immediately running for 2024. We must get better organized to lead the Democrats. We must remain vigilant until the current form of the Republican Party is only a disgrace and vague memory. Otherwise all is lost.

we did to ourselves


hotrod die cast model on board
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on



I’m not a Consumer

I’m a free person!

“Yeah, right…”

Add sarcasm here.


This is a simple logic argument with two premises where healthcare and healthcare insurance went from being a service to being a predatory profit high growth business.

Context is required here.

“Greed is good.”

We cannot take healthcare as a service and healthcare insurance out of the context of an insanely profit driven system that puts the health and well-being of 100% of humans’ health at risk. And it isn’t just healthcare its – well everything is at risk. It’s the snake that eats its own tail. And we are all to blame.

In the Oliver Stone film Wall Street, the character Gordon Gekko said “Greed is good.” Stone was tapping into the zeitgeist of America and the origins of predatory capitalism that was building towards the insanity that is now – worldwide.

How it has happened – here are some factors involved (but not all):

  • World-Wide Corporate Power exploded with deregulation under President Reagan.
  • Representative Governments sell-out to Corporate Power
  • The USA Republicans became the tools of Corporate Power under the free-enterprise system
  • The Democrats followed the Republican sell-out model beginning with Bill Clinton’s second term as President
  • The Republicans have been plotting to end the Democratic control of the Country by whatever means necessary – enter Trump the ultimate tool of Corporate Power and corruption
  • The Baby-Boomers – for the most part dropped out of politics for the New Age movement or Spiritual Development at the expensive of political activism for the most part. Other Boomers became millionaires and even billionaires while others just went along with the status quo (“Our leaders will take care of us,” attitude because we elected them and were under the illusion that they represent the people.) Or lost faith in government after Nixon and Watergate. Subsequent generations have just gone along with “the status quo”.


What has been happening and where the Climate aka World-Wide Health Crisis originated (but not all):

  • Free-market capitalism will police itself. Well, only in terms of maximizing profits in the short term. Pollution? What’s that?
  • The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) was signed into being by Nixon but was never given real power to effectively stop polluters from polluting.
  • And we – former citizens – made into consumers by the facts of capitalism in its extreme continued passively to accept polluting technologies.
  • No one with maybe one exception has raised the issue of what is a healthy planet – Patch Adams and how the health or non-health of the planet has contributed to human beings’ health.
  • Why healthcare is a human right? Corporations and the citizens / consumers have made blind choices to the worship of money, profit and greed to an increasing toxic world for the sake of increasing comforts and convenience
  • Consumer passivity – who has time for activism when you’re working two jobs and so is your partner to provide for your family. (All part of the oppressive / suppressive oligarchical design aka keep the consumer in-line.)
  • And the upcoming mass extinction event coming to a multiplex near you or maybe too close to you.



The two premises are:

  1. Healthcare Industry is a gambling industry based on the odds that you will not fall ill. Their job is not to pay for your claim regarding your illness if at all possible. Their primary aim is making money, their secondary aim is paying for your partial healthcare costs.
  2. Health does not occur in a vacuum. It’s related to an environmentally balanced world. A planet that receives toxic substances grows increasing unbalanced until its systems require balance. If a number of humans or all the humans are eliminated the planet will seek to rebalance her/him/itself. Thus, the upcoming mass extinction event.


Healthcare as a human right. Water belongs to the people. A Bill of Rights for the Planet. These are antithetical to the world-wide corporate cabal and needed for the survival of the human species on the planet.

Is it too late? Maybe or maybe not. We’ll never know unless we go for it.

When is it ever too late to relieve suffering?

Never is my answer.

All the systems of modern life are synergistically related to human healthcare, the health (toxicity) of the planet etc. income inequality, substandard justice, the USA continually at war, Machiavellian Politics and the use of the scapegoat to name a few. At time where worldwide cooperation is needed to provide community solutions to the Climate Crisis the fomented atmosphere of the US of A is every person for themselves – and blame problems on non-white groups mainly immigrants, LGBTQ, and religious groups such as Muslims. This mentality has infected every element of our culture. Fear, anger, rage and sometimes violence has been promulgated to keep people divided and oppressed. The corporate has secretly promoted an “us versus them” to keep government from doing anything that would assist her citizens.

By the way the internet aka Social Media provides the illusion of immediate solutions the same way people solved all the problems of the world in coffeehouses by just talking about it. So many of us go ballistic when politics doesn’t keep pace with what we want. We’ve been lured into an either / or dynamic of seemingly quick change. A change in politics takes a long time, although when our money is effected voting patterns foster seeming changes.





Responses to The Time Change

black and white photo of clocks


Ego (E) versus Alter Ego (AE) on the time change to DT


  1. AE: I’m not going along with it.
  2. E: I changed some clocks; my body says no to the other clocks.
  3. E: How about moving the clocks ahead 6 minutes per day for 10 days then the adjustment could be gradual? AE: Are you nuts? WTF!
  4. E: You know Trump will never approve what we’ve already voted on in California because he hates we didn’t vote for him unless it’s to his advantage. AE: Like changing it on November 2nd 2020? Election eve? WTF
  5. E: My Computer, Cell Phone and Tablet are on board with the change – maybe tech could fix my internal body clock too. AE: No Way!
  6. E: One clock says its 4 pm and my body says it’s 3 pm. AE: Quit complaining and buck-up.
  7. AE: I can’t think straight.
  8. E: Dude, detach from linear time and enter eternal time. AE: Too much science-fiction? But okay, sounds good.
  9. AE: I need my AI

Will Capitalism (and Greed) Kill All Human Life?

astrology astronomy atmosphere dark
Photo by Samir Belhamra @Grafixart_photo on

The short answer is yes

To Start

The short answer is yes and the United States is leading the charge. Capitalism in its current state drives Climate Change and is facilitating the destruction of the human species in what many have called the last great extinction event.

the human species is driving itself to extinction

Capitalism in its most current incarnation creates increased surplus population, treats natural resources as unlimited raw materials / things, divides the world into makers and takers which in-turn destroys communities and glorifies every individual for themselves, deifies greed, money and power, focuses on quarterly profits, drives moneyed economies at the expense of real growth for all and the destruction of the planet for humans and thousands of other species.

I’m not an economist and it doesn’t take an economist to see that the human species is driving itself to extinction. This is common sense. In order for the system to work there must be a variety of extraneous factors that do not contribute to growth GNP.

Short term / quarterly greed-based profits fuels short shortsightedness of the future of humans on planet Earth

Surplus Population

Surplus population does not contribute to capitalism. They are excluded from the statistics of the economy and by design they only matter in two ways: the population excess must be excluded for the capitalistic engine to work and the surplus population can be blamed when capitalism appears to fail.

Surplus Populations:

  1. Students
  2. The incarcerated and prisoners (in the prison system)
  3. Pregnant mothers and stay-at-home mothers
  4. Children
  5. Soldiers
  6. Unemployed
  7. Non-employed
  8. Severely addicted to drugs and / or alcohol
  9. Hospitalized (short term) Mentally Ill
  10. Long term incarcerated mentally ill
  11. Homeless
  12. Disabled
  13. Short and long term medically hospitalized
  14. Illegal Immigrants – both seasonally employed or unemployed and unemployable

There are transient members of the surplus groups: higher education, pregnant mothers, short term unemployed, children that become adults and get jobs, soldiers re-entering the job market and prisoners being released from prison that get jobs (far more prisoners are there for life-sentences sometimes for non-violent crime).


The Drivers of Capitalism

  • All those who have jobs
  • Managers
  • CEOs
  • Wall Street
  • Investors that make money from investing in businesses
  • Investors that make money from investing in money

Capitalism and the reductionism of science does not take into account the sacredness of life

The Hidden Assumptions of Capitalism

Short term / quarterly greed-based profits fuels short shortsightedness of the future of humans on planet Earth. Capitalism does not consider raw materials in its equation for profits because raw materials are things that are considered to be in an unlimited supply. Petroleum is sought after through fracking for instance, which is not a cost-effective extraction method for finding oil as well as the damage to land and the poisoning of water supplies. Because profit margins are short sighted/ based on quarterly profits this mindset is applied to the extraction of raw materials from the planet by whatever means necessary. The reverse is also true products are applied to agriculture to speed the harvest that may cause unforeseen health risks and damage to the soil. Health risks are good for the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Damage to the soil may be augmented by more products to enhance the productivity of the soil but may not address the health of the soil and so on. The short-term growth is considered of primary importance so profit is maximized over a short period of time like an addictive high.


Capitalism and the reductionism of science does not take into account the sacredness of life especially the life of the planet and her minerals, ores, soil, trees, animals, plants, oceans and landmasses. Capitalism uses science to augment profit especially short-term profit fueled by unbridled greed to destroy our future especially in the face of climate change.

For more about my work visit:  Ontario’s The Kai



Zombie and other ghoulish movies and television series abound in our present culture. Part of the reason why I hate these kinds of films besides the terror feel is that they trigger memories of sexual abuse that I choose to avoid.


Zombies are everywhere.

Zombies are us.


Definition of Zombie in The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1a : a will-less and speechless human (as in voodoo belief and in fictional stories) held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated

b : the supernatural power that according to voodoo belief may enter into and reanimate a dead body

2a : a person held to resemble the so-called walking dead; especially :automaton

b : a person markedly strange in appearance or behavior


Have you ever seen someone watching (and mesmerized) by television? Zombie. Or someone lost at a mega store – like Costco? In a world where we are constantly being bombarded by stimuli it’s no wonder that we are all entering a variety of degrees of dissociative states that are in modern nomenclatures – zombie behaviors.

Being present is the aim / goal of every spiritual discipline – an expanded awareness of the present moment. All of us are encouraged into the Maya or illusion of sleep. Our egos are too busy naming this or that and entrenched in illusion to notice we as a civilization are increasingly zombie-like.


Some Flaws of Capitalism or…


Or Some Flaws of Capitalism in its Current Incarnation


These ideas are not a new idea or proposition set forward below:

Sixty years ago my family bought a GE toaster that I have and I use regularly. It makes good toast. I have had other toasters and a few toaster ovens that have broken and were eventually too expensive to repair.

a rubric of infinite resources, income and growth in a finite world

Capitalism after WWII was steeped in growth, craftsmanship and materialism. It was a time a massive rebuilding, re-population and expansion. Though mass production reigned, craftsmanship and materialism were the building blocks of capitalism. Labor unions, industry and government were partners in reconstruction after the war and there was a resplendent growth of the middle class and income.

Capitalism in its continual reinvention of itself relies on some major flaws. One of the most obvious flaws are the finite limits of growth. It operates under a rubric of infinite resources, income and growth in a finite world.

The vestiges of citizenship were degraded into “the consumer”

In the 1980s capitalism threw off the last vestiges of materialism in favor of mass consumerism through planned obsolescence. The shift from materialism to accelerated consumer based capitalism accentuated the flaws of the system and produced lemmings running to the sea. Capitalism became the religion of the land and democracy grew more entrenched as a slave to consumer-capitalism.

Corporations have become the new citizens who have delegated individuals as the consumers of goods and services.

The vestiges of citizenship were degraded into “the consumer” as political action committees (PACs) usurped individual citizens’ participation in government and re-election of so-called “representatives”. Congresspersons and Senators have become the servants of corporations in order to streamline government for accelerated capitalism. As citizens have become superfluous they have in-turn been plugged into being consumers of products and services of demagogue type of capitalism.

Corporations have become the new citizens who have delegated individuals as the consumers of goods and services. Products have been redefined into smaller parts designed to wear out swiftly and /or be replaced by newer “improved” models. Services are also degraded by dividing services into smaller portions, employing less qualified people and by outsourcing – language barrier problems (outsourcing is double-speak for layoffs).

The finite world is ignored for immediate quarterly profits

Another PAC strategy for corporate agendas is making “representatives” into divisive enemies so that either nothing is accomplished for individuals. One PAC strategy are “a no-holds barred” attacks against the enemy such as Republicans versus Democrats; Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice, etc. Democracy has been lost in the process and applies more to corporations than individuals. Giant powerful PACs are increasingly controlled by the top tenth of the one percent wealthiest individuals who ascribe to making more money and a consolidation of power.

The finite world is ignored for immediate quarterly profits. The focus of corporate/business and financial leadership is profitability in the next three months that can be extrapolated into a yearly goal. Looking into a future of the limits of growth based on finite resources is not built into consumer-capitalism. As a result the current reiteration of capitalism is systemically handicapped to deny finite resources through faulty cognitive re-framing. Some of this is the momentum of the capitalistic system fueled by greed and a lust for power and some must have a conscious design. At the base of this consolidation of power is an addiction of greed fueled by fear.

(Conservative/GOP) group views consumers below a certain income level and all liberals as potential servants, serfs and those needing manipulation

While consumer-capitalism within a broken patriarchal system has its own momentum that may carry many leaders of this movement along in a short-term gain (that looks long-term in the context in which they flourish) there is another conscious force at work. Some of the top tenth of the one percent of wealth in the world fights for increasing consolidation of power and wealth (call them A) while others fight for a more equitable distribution of wealth (call them Z).

A’s use their money, power and influence to create obstacles in government to further or block the agenda of the other side. When Newt Gingrich came into power he begun to characterize the opposition – the Democrats as “enemies” of the people. Before that time Democrats and Republicans may have vehemently disagreed with one another and their goal was to govern so they compromised to move their agenda forward. The current climate between Liberals and Conservatives is combat. There seems to be less compromise. Conservatives work at blocking Liberals at every turn. The result is no new legislation is adopted. Even in the current Republican block to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act has only left the ACA in shambles and disrepair. Its as if the GOP’s secret wish was (is) to replace the ACA with nothing. The A group is moving towards satisfaction with the ACA being replaced by nothing because they wish to see a world that existed before the implementation of the Income Tax – 1912. When US Congress is deadlocked and new legislation is passed the A Group is generally satisfied. The only times that the A group may be dissatisfied is when legislation that favors their position is not voted into law.

Since 1776 to 2015 the US has been involved in wars 93% of the time

The A Group views consumers below a certain income level and all liberals as potential servants, serfs and those needing manipulation to motivate them towards they’re agenda.

The A Group does not want:

  • Income equality
  • Advancements in public education – (or consumers to think for themselves for then they may become citizens)
  • Racial equality
  • LGBT equality
  • Women to have equal rights, equal pay, the right to have control over their bodies (pro-choice), equal protection under the law
  • Consumers to live in a world without fear
  • To acknowledge that Climate Change caused by and /or contributed to by humans is real.
  • Considers the ACA a hand-out and doesn’t want government to support public health for all
  • All government programs devoted to public welfare as entitlements to be (Social Security, Medicare etc.)
  • To have peace in the world unless monitored by a strong US military presence in order to have a foothold on remaining limited resources

The Koch brothers (see end note) could be considered the most identifiable humans belonging to the A Group while Libertarians, Conservatives and some Republicans are also A Group members. A notable Z-Group member is George Soros and his organization (see end notes).

FDR President Roosevelt created social nets to assist the US to move out of the Great Depression, but the final impetus that extricated the US from the depression and accelerated growth was the entrée into and winning WWII. Prior to the mid to late 1980s the premise of wars were to stop the spread of Communism as represented by the now former Soviet Union and China while expand US interests. Now wars seem to be oriented towards oil resources.

Earth’s nutrients are the raw materials for corporate products. Some of Earth’s nutrients are renewable – as in agricultural fruits and vegetables, farm animals etc. Some farming techniques although provide greater crop yield may deplete the soil in such a way to make it non-sustainable over the longer term. Other of earth’s resources such as elements – metals and oil are non-renewable and finite.

Capitalism especially in its latest consumeristic reshaping does not consider the resources from the Earth in its cost effect analysis in part to the patriarchal mind-set and in-part to shortsightedness – quarterly profits.

The consumeristic-capitalism has been marked by US Political struggles of almost a constant state of war. Since 1776 to 2015 the US has been involved in wars 93% of the time (see end note). The only period the US was not involved in a war was 1935 to 1940 during an isolationist period during the Great Depression.

The current Trump administration is a characterization of all that elitists members of the GOP and conservatives represent as well as a longing for the good old days before the income tax and in support of isolationist ideals. It represents patriarchal self-interest that contributes to increasing isolationism, mergers, and maximizing profits for the wealthy elite, disregarding any community-based profits based on sustainability, protecting natural resources – environmental protections while marginalizing, discounting and enslaving those that have less by:

  • keeping their wages fixed and/or lowered
  • keeping them out of labor unions and making “labor unions” a dirty word
  • dividing them into factions that war against each other
  • gutting public education and dumbing down citizen’s ability to reason
  • providing entertainment that discourages reasoning
  • providing entertainment that displays the hopeless world that they live and will live in the future (only much worse) and that one common person can be the hero or savior
  • promotes the “myth of the American Dream”
  • encourages disempowered citizens to fear so that a limited number of avenues are open to them:
  • The American Dream
  • Fundamentalist Religion
  • Blaming or scapegoating a group of people based on race or ideology
  • Providing simple solutions to complex problems often based on “the American Dream mythology”



  1. Koch Family
  2. George Soros
  3. US Wars


The 6 year old explanation of why Democracy Sucks



BIG MONEY                                                       VERSUS                                   BEING BROKE

How it use to be:

One group said let’s save money, balance our checkbook, don’t owe money or pay interest and everybody being equal works hard and gets what they want. After that the common good gets addressed.

Another group says let’s take care of the common good first since not everybody is equal in practice, so we have to make rules to make things fair. People who have so much money they can’t begin to spend it all need to pay more into the common good treasure chest to make things better for everyone including themselves. When this happens everybody gets richer.

How it is now:

One group says there are slackers created by the other group giving stuff away for free. But let’s save money, balance our checkbook, don’t owe money or pay interest, but if we have to pay interest let’s make a ton of money from it at the expense of the slackers to balance everything out and everybody being equal works hard and gets what they want.  Our ideas of the common good are different from theirs. The other group is anti-American so they should be punished.

Another group says let’s take care of the common good first since not everybody is equal in practice so we have to make rules to things fair. People who have so much money they can’t begin to spend it need to pay more into the common good treasure chest to make things better for everyone including themselves. When this happens everybody gets richer. We have to be fair to the other group that makes us look bad because we ARE fair. And we don’t need to fight the other group in a down and dirty way because we’re better than that.

Each group used to serve all American People regardless of the amount of money they made. Now each group sold their souls to BIG MONEY so they pretend to support all Americans when they are not doing this. So nothing gets done for regular shmoes. Only “the right people” and Corporations and their BIG MONEY are rewarded. Everyone else is shafted.