Consciousness and Memory in a Quantum Reality

two multicolored slinky toys


Memory Inside

When science describes our brain and memory there seems to be a mechanized reductionism at work.

memory as recall

Science states that memory is stored in our brain, specifically at the synaptic transfer between neurons. When we experience something new, new synapses are formed as a part of making new memories.

What if the reverse is true?

Memory is retrieved through our brains, our body and emotions from memories in constant flux in what we have previously referred to as “the past”. Even memories in “the future” are available to us but the constraints of language and the misperceptions of time create blocks to so-called future memories.

there is no past

Could all memories, including our own be everywhere?


Recall Waves

Better to re-frame memory as recall.

Our attachment to the concept of memory as originating in “the past” is so strong and our automatic response to the concept of memory is rarely questioned. Past and future are illusory because recall of the past “in the past” is present as recollections of past events. There is no past. Recall of “the future” never happens because the technology of our written and spoken language dissects relationships into distinct packets of information, subject / nouns, descriptors / adjectives, actions / verbs. The English language is based on separation of objects / nouns linked by change agents / verbs. This way of organizing language is coordinated with the actions of linear space-time namely – past, present and future. The idea that future events could be recalled as memories is alien to us – it is fantasy or science-fiction because future and past are objectified and separated based on the invisible technology of language.

We are thinking of the present as a pass-through point, so it becomes just as illusory as past or future.

Since “the past” does not exist and is really a continuous wave of the present and the future doesn’t exist either because it belongs to one continuous wave of energy.


An Exploratory Venture into Recall of the Continuous Wave of Presenting

Our attachment to “the past” and objectifying all that we experience makes recall of past memories easy to see as events as we experience in them in the present. When we approach experiencing “the future” in the same way we experience “the past” blocks automatically appear.


The problem isn’t with “the past” or “the future”, its with “the present”. The present isn’t static. We are thinking of the present as a pass-through point, so it becomes just as illusory as past or future. Instead of past, present and future we are in one continuous presenting wave that includes what we have previously separated into past, future and present.

most spoken and written languages are predicated on separation

Present-ing as a continuous wave makes the past and the future irrelevant and taken one step further makes the singularity of human experience backwards and non-relevant. We think of ourselves as separate from other selves and from others in the present-ing wave. Even our human life from birth to death is experienced as separate from death or an unknown or other lives – as in past lives, future lives etc.

Its logical that many humans do not experience a daily reality based on oneness and compassion due to the perceptual filters of separation.

All human life as perceived through most spoken and written languages are predicated on separation. Other forms built on language within the civilization construct support separation such as, the patriarch epoch, ownership, monetized trade, social classes, religions, democracy, communism, fascism and capitalism to name a few. The nature of separation besides strengthening strong egos and rugged individualism are reinforced through a variety of structures within civilization as listed above. The perception of separation through the tech of language are extensions of the technology of language and its perceptual off-shoots of linear space-time. Language rewires the neocortex to perceive the interactive world as separate and inflates an egocentric position of separation creating a circular reinforcing dynamic with almost all structures within civilization. Civilization is a co-conspirator with language to reinforce the separation reality.

Stepping out of separation into a “present-ing wave” reveals the real-world expressing consciousness through the screeners of separation and through the oneness of love and compassion. Its logical that many humans do not experience a daily reality based on oneness and compassion due to the perceptual filters of separation. Instead there may be holes in the fabric of separation dynamic where a larger reality or consciousness breaks through much like sunlight appearing to breakthrough cloud cover.

We are this wider reality or greater consciousness being expressed through the perceptual filters of ego and separation. In short separation and ego are illusion and stand in the way of what we already have – happiness, fulfillment, oneness and enlightenment.

Present-ing is experienced in two modes: 1. Separation is released in the moment to experience a greater consciousness that does not make sense under the rules of separation reality; and 2. Love and compassion are experienced as a transcendent experience to the Oneness that supports separation consciousness.


Memory in the context of released separation

In this mode our experience is one where magic or an “ah-ha” is felt.

Writers, artists and entrepreneurs that seemingly “come up with a brilliant idea” only to find that someone else has already completed, the novel, the painting, the movie or the product already.

When I was fifteen years old I wrote a short story about a group of scientists that boarded a small submarine that was miniaturized and injected into the President of the United States to repair a valve in his heart. A week later Life Magazine published Isaac Asimov’s “Fantastic Voyage” with photographs from the film. I felt immediately angered – thinking he had robbed me of my ideas until I realized that he must have conceived of the idea long before I had thought of it.

Then where did my story originate? I concluded that his idea and my idea came from a collective consciousness.

Around the same age I had had a dream where my sister and I were in a town along the coast of Connecticut. There was a storm and flooding. I broke into the basement of a church hall that had been converted into a museum where we could have shelter from the storm.

Three weeks later we (my father, mother, sister and me) visited the church in Stonington, Connecticut on the shore by the Long Island Sound. It was a museum inside. My father asked me where the bathroom was. I gave him complicated instructions on how to get there. He told me that I knew where it was because I had been there. I said – “No, I just know.” My father didn’t believe in anything but math, science and engineering. He found the bathroom where I had said it was.

The practice of quieting the mind may lead to a feeling of peace.

In the 1990s I had an idea to make turnip, parsnip, yam and sweet potato chips after having deep-fried up a few batches. This would be a good business to get into. Three months later I was in a upscale supermarket and found a manufacturer had already made these kinds of chips. I told myself it was not a good idea to turn all my ideas into businesses because; where’s the fun in that?

Picking a shared idea or having a premonition from a dream are examples of memory in the context of released separation. They happen to all of us spontaneously from time to time.


Memories of the future

Memories of presenting…

Since the future is an illusion and we can begin to experience time as present-ing then memories can begin to expand into a lifetime of the present-ing experience.

recall of experiences from an on-going present-ing or a wave of time that has no beginning and no end

In meditation mindfulness is the vehicle to quieting the mind. The practice of quieting the mind may lead to a feeling of peace. A continuing practice begins to peel back the layers of our stream of consciousness whose content is one of whim and attachment. The illusion of ego and separateness begins to fall away revealing the being that resides in each of us. Love and compassion remain when the mind continues to be quieted. The layers of enlightenment touch the practitioner or stated in another way we experience enlightening, loving, peacing and compassioning.

A question

Just as we experience our fingers and choose to wave our fingers is our mind / consciousness everywhere choosing to wave the life that we find ourselves in?


Recall, Presenting and Reincarnation

Recall or accessing memories of past, parallel and future more aptly put recall of experiences from an on-going present-ing or a wave of time that has no beginning and no end. Recall of experiences from present-ing in a cyclical or spiral frame (with end or beginning) could originate from the whole of consciousness or a being living in a cycle or reincarnation.

If there is a being enlightenment consciousness that incarnates along a present-ing continuum to experience finite lifetimes then our smaller ego selves have the possibility of rarely feeling alone or separated from consciousness.

Present-ing – is an on-going present wave. By changing present from a static state of “the present” to an continuously renewing on-going wave of energies present-ing becomes a regenerative word. Present-ing fills birth to death. Once birth and death become meaningless by a Consciousness Being living everywhere outside of time then present-ing in a finite biological body becomes more palliative.






The Six Moons of Evolution



Tech Talk (for use as a referent)

All of the Six Full Moons are listed for Washington, DC below:

  1. 11-23-18, 12:39 am EST – Full Moon Gemini at 00 degrees 52 minutes
  2. 12-22-18, 12:48 pm EST – Full Moon Cancer at 00 degrees 49 minutes
  3. 01-21-19, 12:17 am EST – Full Moon Leo at 00 degrees 52 minutes*^
  4. 02-19-19, 10:53 am EST – Full Moon Virgo at 00 degrees 42 minutes*
  5. 03-20-19, 9:43 pm EDT – Full Moon Libra at 00 degrees 09 minutes*~’
  6. 04-19-19, 7:13 pm EDT – Full Moon Libra at 29 degrees 07 minutes

* Super Full Moons – indicating that the Moon is as close as it will get to Earth when full

^ Lunar Eclipse

~ Spring Equinox

Mercury continues in retrograde

New moons begin a new cycle, while full moons are the peak or fruition of the cycle. Each of the six new moons beginning the day after the US elections on 11-7-18 to the final cycle beginning 04-05-19 each begin at 15 degrees.


What it Means

Each of the New Moon cycles begins in the middle of the six signs giving a weight or solidity to the beginning of the cycle. The first of these cycles 11-7-18 starts with a solid dose of transformation – going to the depths of the darkest oceans to allow secrets to emerge. That cycle is brought to fruition as the moon moves to the full light on 11-23-18 in the fresh and pure innocence of Gemini and air sign representing the intellect. Bringing information from opposite view points to hold a newly form body of oneness together.

The international higher mind and generous spirit of a new beginning of open and sometimes opinionated attitudes of Sagittarius conflicts of action and vision creating growth for nurturing new growth on 12-22-18 while in conflict with past authority.

The next new-full moon cycle begins on January 5th with the New moon in Capricorn with transformations at hand if deception tries to take an upper hand over an array of visionary moves. The cycle ends with a Super Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse in the boldness of Leo poised for revolution with trickster energy.  The lunar eclipse is about shadow elements of the full moon coming to light having to so with the following possible issues: excessive pride or hubris; narcissistic love, overly dramatic. We are witness to these elements and we can acknowledge and release them.

The fourth moon cycle of 2019 begins with the February 4th new moon in Aquarius. Revolution and disruption are poised between old guard patriarchal rigidity and a strong urge to push forward despite the potential for enormous conflict. The super full moon ends the cycle on February 19th with an anchor into the past and a volatile stock market. The choice is to nurture our dreams or collapse into our nightmares.  Or stay compassionately neutral.

The fifth cycle is the last of the super full moons and runs close to the Spring equinox on March 20th. This cycle begins on march 6th with dreams and compassion for a positive future supported by transformational processes of authority but only if we, as individuals take advantage of the opportunities. However, communication can be challenging with Mercury at a karmic degree of Pisces – sharpen your pencils and remember to listen with care and compassion. The super full moon is about the balance of relationship (full moon in Libra) with great optimism (on a darker note – grandiosity). Mercury (thought, communication – verbal and written ect.) retrograding (intensity) near Neptune (low end: confusion, deception, illusion, drugs and alcohol; high end: compassionate vision, forging exacting communications to a degree of higher consciousness). Action supports transformation which in turn grounds new relationships poised for greater transformation, healing wounds.

[The Spring Equinox Chart for Washington, DC is March 20, 2019 at 5:58:23 pm EDT calls for a transformational time of action. There is disruption/revolution in the Capital with emotions running high especially with regard to the divine feminine. The potential for confusion and misinterpretation / illusion is high. Also, we may see between now and the summer solstice – June 21 2019 the divine feminine paving the way for clear communication and better relationships.]

The final of 6th moon cycle is interesting because sun and moon end at a karmic degree in the last degree of Libra. The New Moon in Aries on April 5, 2019 begins with forging leadership and nurturing international or long-distance relationships. There is a need to stay vigilant around issues of communication – watch for deception on the low end; on the high end communicating with vision and compassion in an air of inclusiveness. On the karmic full moon on April 19, 2019 the Moon is at 29 degrees Libra – allowing us to work through the karma of relationships through truth and thereby find a true working balance. The battle between past and future is exquisitely balanced in conflict and yet it is a conflict that seeks resolution. Revolution may be obscured but it’s there if we open ourselves to it.



Visualization / Manifestation ~ An Introduction



astrology astronomy atmosphere dark1 Introduction

We begin manifestation with a thought. To give thought force we could add emotion and then the force of our chi, and maybe a dash of earth and divinity.


Complex problems require complex solutions as with many manifestations in our current world. Since the manifestation process cannot produce a negative remember to keep intentions for manifestation positive. Should a stray negative thought arise, bless it and release it in a bubble of firm boundaries and safety either to be recycled through the transformative fire of molten core of earth or the sun. Thought alone without the resonance of love we can produce from our hearts and the power of our body is not enough for manifestation; all three must be present.

2 The Exercise of Manifestation

Choose something you wish to manifest. Remember this something is already near you energetically but is not yet manifest into the…

View original post 766 more words

Free Will Does Not Exist

black chain

There is no free will.

But we live under the illusion

that we have free will.

Many readers will balk at these pronouncements because they have never questioned the assumptions that proclaim that will is free. There is will, of course and the free part of will has been obscured through centuries of illusory thinking and belief. However, there is a possibility of exercising free will once a state of Mastery has been reached or touched – albeit briefly.

The purpose of this article is three-fold:

  1. How is it that there is no free will?
  2. How do we come to believe that we have free will?
  3. A possible way out of entrapped will.

The Current Understanding of Free Will

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines free will:

: freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention

The definition above seems true and it leaves out basic and invisible assumptions we all make about ourselves. These assumptions mask universal truths about human nature and create illusions that we are acting from a place of free will. Once we begin to understand that free will is bound by illusions we can work to move beyond these fantasies to a place where acts of free will can be created. It’s not easy to embark on a path to create an act of will, free of the past.

The Blocks that Prevent the Exercise of Free Will

There are two invisible illusions that are pernicious examples that block the exercise of free will, one is historical and the second is habitual. These responses stem from non-original thought for the most part.


Our familial heritage in which beliefs are formed over generations is a major block to free will. Belief belongs to a set of assumptions based on mental representations where likelihoods are perceived to be true. Our parents teach us their beliefs. Many beliefs that we are taught are contradictory. Why? Each person has different motivations based on fragmented personalities under the rubric of ego. Parents teach beliefs  through conscious and unconscious modes.  Embedded within parental and shaped social beliefs that we adopt behaviors of parents in arrays of pre-determined thought, action and “new” beliefs. Even when we notice a rebellious behavior: father against his father’s belief, for example – that rebelliousness is a kind of slavery. Taking up an opposite belief (as a rebellion) is a reaction to a belief and is not free. Our forebearers learned beliefs and behaviors under the wing of their parents and their grandparents to the beginnings of civilization.

Habits of mind are only one kind of habit.

There are other kinds of beliefs that may blend with mentally formed beliefs. It may be that all beliefs are imbued with emotion fixing each belief. In-turn mental-emotional beliefs are held in our bodies or brains and as such become part of the physical or somatic systems of our being. It is this complex configuration of belief that is transmitted generationally.

Other adopted beliefs may come from peers who in-turn have learned conscious and unconscious beliefs from their parents and so on… This kind of belief set could be referred to as generation and in a larger context societal.


Even more insidious than the heritage of belief are habits. A habit – Merriam-Webster dictionary defines – “an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary”. Habits become increasing useful as a shorthand to operating in complex modern, social and technological environments. It could be quite easily argued that the learned habit of driving a car with a manual transmission (gearbox) would be cumbersome and unsafe if we had to think of each step to execute the behaviors. A habit of blurting-out an opinion besides being impulsive could be evidence of falling victim to a kind of slavery thus eradicating free will. Habits of mind are only one kind of habit. Somatic memory where all habits are recorded at least partially whether they are deemed good or bad is a repository for habits created in the mind, by emotions and/or in bodily actions.

Beliefs are both consciousness and unconscious.

The phrase “being on automatic” relates to following a particular habit automatically. Simple examples of this is missing an exit on the freeway due to distracted thinking and/or spacing out (mild dissociative thinking).

When beliefs and habits interact then a few processes may be occurring simultaneously. Responding by rote may be occurring or in the modern vernacular – reacting from a place of “sleep”. When rote or “sleep” responses occur, there is rarely any reflection on our behaviors. We may become locked into a personal dogma or orthodoxy that is specific to our habitual response derived from belief.

Beliefs are both consciousness and unconscious. Unconscious beliefs may run through a variety of filters that may include and are not necessarily limited to: bias, prejudice, bigotry, racism, sexism; and while not a complete list, these may also be unconscious. When conscious and unconscious beliefs meet habitual responses especially if little or no reflection or contemplation is involved then free choice gets buried under more prior causes.

In our current stage of evolution there is no original thought

Prior causes of beliefs and habits learned and adopted make it easier to dismiss them while focusing on smaller contexts of our lives. We don’t see the prior causes of beliefs and habits because we choose to believe we have free choice and free will without any self-examination.

Patterns of Thought

All human thought is associative in its pattern. A thought is associated with another in a string of binary thoughts. Associative thinking can be parsed into many subsets of complex patterned thought. The more complex ordering of thought such as deductive and inductive logic arise from binary associative thought.  Written language is also linear following a logic of beginning, middle and end.

it’s very easy get distracted by the flow of tangential and or distracting thoughts

In our current stage of evolution there is no original thought for the most part. This is not to say that the recycled patterns of thought are not creative. They are creative but within the constrictive patterns of non-original thought in an associative binary stream in a linear space-time reality. According to the ancient Bhagavad Gita 200 BCE in the cyclical history of epochs or Yugas at the lower side of the evolutionary scale or the Kali Yuga where we find ourselves current human thought is mostly recycled thinking.

black and white photo of clocks
Habit within the illusion of linear-space/time

Ideas such as Jung’s Collective Unconscious as well as an electromagnetic depository of all recycled thinking (Collective Consciousness) is often easily accessible by artists, writers and the like. Binary associative thought within the collective consciousness of non-original thought is always available to us from our stream of consciousness. The stream of consciousness may be verbal, pictorial or emotional with combinations thereof. We tap into our own stream which may be running continuously. However, when we tap into the stream it’s very easy get distracted by the flow of tangential and / or distracting thoughts. Many people get caught in their stream of consciousness when we close our eyes at night and our attention may be diverted into the stream and this may keep us awake.

At the very core of our existence, inside each of us is what Buddhist philosophy and other spiritual traditions describe as the true self or essence.

Within our essence is our true self, happiness and enlightenment. Quieting the mind and working on detaching from the constant stream of consciousness produced by fragmented ego parts allows original thought to emerge. Quieting the mind also allows us to detach from both our own stream and the collective stream of consciousness.

Modern peoples have forgotten or ignored the inner world of happiness in favor of the pull of the external world. Ego, society and the tech of language paints the illusory world of linear time of past present and future and the erroneous belief that happiness is out there.


Living under the Illusion of Free Will

This simple answer to the question of why we believe we have free will – because we have been told. We have been schooled that free will exists. The cultural meta-rules continually imply that we have free will and that it is a right.  Free Will is therefore an assumption that is rarely questioned and so it stands.

Could be argued that if free will does not exist then “is everything pre-determined?” I don’t ascribe to an either /or oppositional philosophy of will or choice. The lack of free will does not necessarily mean a pervasive predetermination exists. There are other possibilities. Language and thought loves to project meaning onto everything – a desire for order and safety? Perhaps. There are other possibilities about the nature of the world without the existence of free will.

It’s much more likely that human culture bumbles along in a mechanistic manner in a world of hazard and accident. As frightening as this might be, the illusion that we have free will protects us from this possibility.

Individuals that have attained a modicum of Mastery could access free will for a creative act based on nothing (no previous influences). Masters or realized elders may have prevented human civilization from destroying itself. This can be supposed and requires a leap beyond current recycled thought in modern science.

background beautiful blossom calm waters

A way out or moving towards Mastery and Free Will

The path towards creating an act of will free from all past influences is impossible for most everyone due to fragmented egos. Everyone has a fragmented ego in part having to do with contradictory actions and beliefs that we hide from ourselves. Ego is a manager of daily events and yet assumes control over everything – this is illusion. Moving out of the illusions of ego (without destroying ego) towards Mastery is a challenging aim. This is an extremely difficult path which requires constant and merciless work. Ninety-nine percent of the human population are incapable of this kind of rigorous work despite a temporary desire to pursue such work.

The traditional path of this work is seeking a teacher. In the 20th century seeking a teacher may have faded from favor and has been replaced by schools or “mystery schools” that may have a cultish quality. Some now have mistakenly perceived that “a book spoke to me” and believe is enough to begin the work towards mastery (this is the hanky-panky of ego at play).


In the Bhagavad Gita the Yugas are explored. While there is some disagreement about the mathematical calculations of the length of each Yuga it’s clear that humans at this stage of evolutionary development are not on a path of mastery.

The largest body of “evidence” is both the lack of original thought and humans’ irresponsible actions regarding thought itself.

First, thought and emotion cannot be separated. Most human thought is recycled from a collective consciousness that is streamed collectively and individually. When a human in a higher vibrational environment (such as a less violent nation) recycles a negative thought where fear / anger and acting out ideas associated with these negative thoughts – that are not acted upon – these thoughts go to a chaotic environment where they are acted upon.

For example: a man driving in traffic is thoughtlessly cut off by another man in traffic. A fearful / angry response – reaction occurs. Swearing may ensue. The emotion / desire for revenge and/or justice fades. Under the rubric of collective consciousness that thought is recycled somewhere in the world where a chaotic lower vibrational realm flourishes – such as a “war zone”. A person in a lower vibrational world acts out this recycled thought and murders a person or kills under a subset of “war”.

Humans in the particular Yuga we find ourselves in are not even aware that they are participating in collective recycled thinking. In effect we as humans are not-responsible for something in which we are unaware. In short, we are not evolved enough to realize that we participate in recycled thinking. This is part of the illusion of free will.

The proliferation of internet platforms such as social media have accelerated the effects of recycled thought to action. Fear of change has become exacerbated world-wide by the Internet’s viral messages and videos spreading through panic, terrors and rage. Hate is spread and is fomented into violence as in the recent murders / terrorism in New Zealand (March 2019).

By practicing care in our thought-patterns we can begin to rise out of recycled thought towards a path of free will. One way of practicing care in our thought patterns is noticing our anger or rage as it arises in us. We can then tell ourselves that we are angry because we have been afraid. We can soothe the fear / anger in ourselves perhaps changing the loose-end of thought – thus preventing it and our accompanying emotion from manifesting in a lower vibration environment such as a war zone.

It may start with you and me – calming fear to anger thoughts to prevent their manifestation elsewhere – in lower vibrational worlds and coloring our daily interactions. Most will call this nonsense, but the science of quantum physics is beginning to transform the patterns of recycled thinking into something new.

One way to mastery – towards free will is through a path of learning and a teacher to guide you.

Responses to The Time Change

black and white photo of clocks


Ego (E) versus Alter Ego (AE) on the time change to DT


  1. AE: I’m not going along with it.
  2. E: I changed some clocks; my body says no to the other clocks.
  3. E: How about moving the clocks ahead 6 minutes per day for 10 days then the adjustment could be gradual? AE: Are you nuts? WTF!
  4. E: You know Trump will never approve what we’ve already voted on in California because he hates we didn’t vote for him unless it’s to his advantage. AE: Like changing it on November 2nd 2020? Election eve? WTF
  5. E: My Computer, Cell Phone and Tablet are on board with the change – maybe tech could fix my internal body clock too. AE: No Way!
  6. E: One clock says its 4 pm and my body says it’s 3 pm. AE: Quit complaining and buck-up.
  7. AE: I can’t think straight.
  8. E: Dude, detach from linear time and enter eternal time. AE: Too much science-fiction? But okay, sounds good.
  9. AE: I need my AI

Learning & Transformation Part 2 of 4 – Struggle

wooden dock on body of water


Most of us look at struggle as one or more odious tasks that must be completed on a regular basis. Our bias is a dislike of struggle. Psychological theory tells us that humans are pleasure seeking or at least avoidant of displeasure. The dislike of struggle builds a resistance to which our physical body is a receptacle for this tension.

The purpose of struggle is creating energy

Besides dislike, resistance to struggle is the second rationale to let odious tasks lay fallow and undone.

The Physical Body

Our physical or corporeal bodies represent a bank where all habits that we deem as good or bad are held in deposit ready for our use. When we are younger we tend to ride roughshod over the limits our body presents us with by employing our intellect and our will. A youthful body is quite flexible growing and changing. A plateau of growth is reached in middle age. Entropy accelerates with increasing age.

man wearing black shorts

Without seeking truth, a higher ideal or employing inner work we may, using our dominant processing facilities; our prefrontal cortex/ cognitive brain to ignore and/or objectify our body as a projection of our minds. If we follow this rational to the exclusion of somatic knowing then we may miss the memories our body holds and the wisdom therein. We may also miss the speed in which our body learns and remembers actions especially gross physical actions such as riding a bicycle, dance steps or hang-gliding for example. By allying body memory with a neutral cognitive observer learning motion-oriented activities can be accelerated. Our culture is overly focused on the actions produced in the prefrontal cortex so body knowing is often discounted or objectified. This constitutes a loss and produces illusions that the cognitive self or ego uses to obfuscate somatic knowing and memory.

The battle between “yes” and “no”

Many memories that are forgotten, suppressed or repressed are recorded in the body and may never enter consciousness or may return to consciousness as isolated or fragmented snapshots of memory. Almost all experiences are recorded by the body and may be recalled as memories through associative thinking. Associative recall includes memories of actions that have become habits stored in body memory. When we execute habits our conscious attention recalls the actions stored in body memories which flits across our cognitive realms. Body memory associated with olfaction and other sensory organs allow quick access to our to interpretative cognitive faculties.

The Core of Struggle

All struggle is felt on a physical level via stress, anxiety and ending with resistance because we dislike and sometimes loathe struggle. The backstop of struggle is the physical body. Struggle itself is the battle between “Yes” and No”.

The third force in a battle of opposites is invisible.

The purpose of struggle is creating energy, but most of us get caught in a battle between “Yes” and “no” or the back and forth of dislike versus like. The result of this dichotomous battle depletes us so that no energy is created or goes unnoticed and is wasted.

Cultivation of the neutral observer is key

The battle between “yes” and “no” like any fight between opposites must have an out or endless squabbling is the unresolved end result. This is the nature of compromise. However most struggles don’t create energy are analogous to obsessive thinking patterns or circular thought. The third force in a battle of opposites is invisible. Just as atoms contain many waves and/or particles there are positively charged particles, negatively charged particles and particles that have no charge. The no-charge position could be referred to as neutral.

woman wearing red hat and sunglasses

Cultivation of the neutral observer is key to recognizing the struggle between “yes” and “no” and the energy that is created. Energy that is is created once recognized is usually spent by the automatic process of habit. If the energy is saved then it may be used for further work in effective struggle.

Using the body as a starting point to cultivate the neutral is a way to dispassionately observe our self

Effective struggle begins with noticing its effects in how our bodies react to the battle between “yes” and “no”. If the neutral observation of struggle is not observed in the body then the mind / ego makes the struggle into illusion and fantasy. Detaching struggle from the body where ultimately all struggle is felt and remembered somatically allows the experience to float into the illusory “likes” of the mind/ego allowing whim and tangential / associative thought to run wild without a grounding to the body.

Autogenic Training is the place to begin cultivate the neutral within ( see End Notes below).

Using the body as a starting point to cultivate the neutral is a way to dispassionately observe our self and begin to gain information without opinion or judgment attached. As information is gathered and struggle observed then energy may be tracked and utilized more effectively in our quest for truth and evolution in consciousness into higher realms.

Guidelines for work with Struggle

  1. Remember that struggle is felt in the body. Staying in the present moment is important in working with Struggle because our physical bodies exist only in the present.
  2. Any beginning in the work with Struggle is best done with simple acts of the body. Without working from the body struggle becomes lost in an intellectual exercise or emotional fantasy of the past and future and is lost in terms of its ability to generate energy.
  3. Most of our awareness in the present moment is caught up in attachment. This awareness cannot aide in the work with Struggle.
  4. Choose a simple action-oriented task to in which to struggle. Organize struggle, in other words keep it simple don’t take on too much. Be persistent. Repeat the struggle often.
  5. Do your best. This is especially important when we experience doubt.
  6. Let go of regret when you experience failure. Regret and analysis of regrets removes us from the present moment and can become a trap.
  7. Emotions change, intellect is often wild jumping from one topic to the next. By employing Autogenic Training, we can allow a neutral territory for out body to grow in knowledge.*

Some Notes

Learning and struggle belong to the mundane realms of linear reality and work. Work effectively and advancement can be expected given a relationship with a Teacher, guide or instructor.


*Transformation by J.G Bennett p. 37-38, published by The Claymont Society for Continuous Education copyright 1978.

for further reading: A Primer – Autogenic Training
