Chakras and Making Money – Part 1

© Vortex Spin F. K. Ontario 2021

The Second Chakra and Money

What is Money?

Money represents energy that does in order to create. It is an intermediary between what we want and how we get what we want. It could be said that money is a go-between. Cause and effect makes money work. 

Many thousands of years ago money did not exist because exchange of goods and services had equal value so there was no need for a currency. Obviously, that cannot happen in today’s world that is built on hierarchies of a patriarchy and capitalism. The patriarchy and capitalism are about dividing and conquering and in its current iteration where the super rich flourish and everyone else come to serve the whims of the rich. Of course, it’s more complex than that.

What is the Second Chakra?

A Note about energy and the human body: Energy is always moving. It could be said that everything is moving because atoms are made-up of particles and/or waves that move. The nature of the EM or electromagnetic energy produced by our bodies forms a vortex or cyclone type energy around us.

Each of the chakras (chakra – originates from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”) is a small energy vortex that spins in the front of the body and in the corresponding place along our spine.

The second chakra in Eastern Medicine is the place of Chi. The second chakra is located an inch or so below your belly button or navel and the corresponding place along your spine. It is said to be the energetic brain of the physical body in the gut. Chi is the quality of our energy and contributes to the survival of our body on the planet. (The first chakra – the root chakra just in front of the end of the spine at the coccyx bone is about our physical connection to Earth and relates to health of the body as well.)

The Second Chakra and Money

Chi is the inner technology of energy. Money is the outer technology of energy. It follows, then, that a healthy chi is related to money. In our culture money is about survival and the energy from the chi is about survival too. It could be said that we live in a survival-based economy. These ideas are reflected in Charles Darwin’s thinking – “the survival of the fittest” and competitive modes of being that have infected modern thought. Darwin because he was a product of his time in the hierarchical patriarchy he saw nature and animals as competitive and ruled out cooperation.

The chi is part of the lower chakras and is relegated to autonomic nervous system which is normally unconscious unless someone draws our attention to it. Survival becomes instinctual and the systems of capitalism and the hierarchy of the patriarchy are invisible to the men who occupy positions of authority.

Those of you who practice martial arts such as Aikido and Tai Chi know how to work with chi energy more than most westerners.

Working with the Second Chakra to Make Money / An example

Every biological being produces lines of chi based on need. Let’s say you had an idea to make money out of need, not want.

In a Post Covid19 Environment:

By grounding ( ) and walking from your hips you may get a sense of coming from your chi or 2nd chakra an inch or so below your naval. The sense may be a line of energy on the ground. By following the line of energy into a shop or store there may either be a business opportunity for you or a job. Once you get inside the store listen to the owner or person behind the counter talk with customers. Treat this exercise as an experiment, try not to an expect any result at all.

In the current Covid19 Environment:

By grounding ( ) and walking from your hips you may get a sense of coming from your chi or 2nd chakra an inch or so below your naval. Next direct you attention in a very focused way of what you need along lines of chi you may receive from the Internet via your computer. This may lead to a website or a chat board where you can glean an opportunity. Treat this exercise as an experiment, try not to an expect any result at all.

Another Full Moon Ritual


A Full Moon Ritual

– originally appeared on the old blog – May 27, 2010

Alverto Taxo, an indigenous teacher and healer from Ecuador, suggested this full moon ritual:

At 9 pm go out and look up at the Moon. If it is cloudy look at the brightest spot in the clouds. Give the full moon anger, fears and any emotions positive or negative that stand in the way of gratitude and your dreams coming true.

Then to give to it (the full moon) all of our anger, fears, concerns – anything that stands in the way of this gratitude… anything that stands in the way of imagining your dreams coming true. He said the moon feeds on this energy and in doing so transforms it to something positive. And he said that if we were to give all of our negativity to the moon we would discover something new within us.

NOTE: The full moon may look full for two nights.

If the time of the Full Moon occurs between midnight and sunrise the ritual may be done the night before or the night after.

If the time of the Full Moon occurs between sunrise and sunset the ritual may be done the night after the daytime time of the Full Moon.

Rituals for Prosperity – Full Moon/New Moon


Full Moon – New Moon Manifestation Ritual


If you’ve been working on a goal that doesn’t seem to be manifesting you may need this kind of help. Rituals are meant to augment what we are already doing on a practical level to fulfill our goals. This ritual by itself is not a magic bullet for success. It is here because it may help you that extra amount towards what you seek. Any ritual may or may not work and is not a guarantee for success.

Emotional receptivity is a precursor to a new way to manifest what we wish to happen. In the new world that began in 1992 (paradigm shift) – a world where every being is in relationship with all others, manifestation takes on a whole new meaning. The motto of this new way is: “Energy first, Manifestation second as aligned with Higher Self and Community at large.” That being said, working with the emotional receptivity of the lunar cycle is the next step. The Full Moon is a way to charge an object with its receiving power. When the papers are charged under the light of the Full Moon a way is made to give birth in the dark of the new moon.

Full Moons are always the opposite of the Sun sign. This ritual is most powerful when your Sun or Moon is in the sign of the current Full Moon or its opposite. Full Moons are doubled in power during a lunar eclipse.

However the following ritual can be beginning with any Full Moon.



Place a new, blank sheet of paper under the light of the Full Moon [outside, in a window, on your dashboard] you’ll be using on the next New Moon. If a Full Moon occurs at dawn for instance you can put your papers out the night before or the night after. Don’t worry if there’s cloud cover under the Full Moon – the luminosity of the Full Moon will still reach the paper. As in all things receptive it is not an exact science, more like an art. So you’ll need to experiment to see which works best for you. IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME WITH THE RITUAL – After having left the paper out at night bring it in and dry out if need be and put it in a safe place or on your altar. You will need to take it out in approximately two weeks at the New Moon. If you park your car outside at night you could put your paper on your dashboard for “catching moonlight”.

ON GOING – At each Full Moon after you have written your wishes on the last New Moon you need to sit and see which came to pass and which did not. If a wish did not come to pass – was that wish in alignment with your Highest Good? Does it need editing – re-writing? Or does it need to be put aside or discarded?


Take the blank sheet of paper that you put under the light of the Full Moon from and write down your wishes from 1 to 13. You may only have to wait until the next Full Moon if you align yourself with your wishes. Write the wishes during the night of the new moon (with 24 hours of the beginning of the New Moon) when birth of a new cycle is imminent.

2020 New and Full Moons, eclipses, equinoxes and solistices


Rituals for Prosperity – Money Flow

time lapse photo of stars on night
Photo by Jakub Novacek on

A Note and disclaimer – these “tools” are not a guarantee that you will automatically have success. Success is utilizing all the tools at your disposal including old fashioned hard work – but you knew that.  The following rituals are only some of the rituals from the old blog site.

Spice and Silver A Money Flow Incantation

A woman – speech pathologist from Bolivia told me this charm for creating money flow.


  1. A glass jar with a cork stopper big enough to fit a quarter. (I found a good source for glass jars is Pier One Imports)
  2. You’ll need corn – as in un-popped pop-corn – yellow corn more of this than the other spices.
  3. Ground and cinnamon sticks – much of this for sweetness
  4. Sprinkles of oregano, sage & thyme
  5. a penny, a nickel, a dime and a quarter
  6. A small piece of paper that you can put under the jar after you write on it.


Copper and Grain

Work to Increase

My Money’s Gain

When you feel you wish to increase your money’s flow shake the bottle with the above 2-5 ingredients in the bottle and say the poem as a chant on paper. Store this bottle with the paper underneath on your altar.

For more about my work visit:  Ontario’s The Kai

Making Space: a primer

cat lying on cloth
Photo by Jenna Hamra on

Making space is something we may do with our energy, with our thoughts and our imag-en-ation.

A woman with whom we shared loved and intimacy (circa 2002 to 05) experimented with making space while we were apart. I would create a space in the seat beside me in my pick-up truck and she would feel me next to her as I would feel her. Very simple, pure, sweet and easy-peezy.

background beautiful blossom calm waters
Photo by Pixabay on


Making space its that easy. It takes love and compassion, energy from the second chakra and our mind’s ability to form images.

I often talk about it to my clients as inviting a person you may not even know yet into your cozy living room with a fire going in the fireplace for a chat. Put forward your intentions along with nonspecific love and compassion and see what happens.

adult beverage breakfast celebration
Photo by Pixabay on


For more about my work visit:  Ontario’s The Kai

Women and Transformation: Venus in Retrograde -October 6 through November 16, 2018


taurusTaurus – The Womb — figure 1

Intro –     I subscribe to the Vedic (Eastern Astrological) interpretation of retrograding planets: the energy of the planet becomes more intense because it’s closer to Earth during retrograde than direct motion.

Since when to we point to an outside force as controlling our destiny?

What retrograde motion really means? —- A planet in retrograde “appears” to go backwards in relationship to Earth and the background of planets, stars and outer space. This is an optical illusion. When a retrograde motion occurs the planet moves into a close orbit with Earth. For more in retrograde motion visit this NASA page:

Dangers in one-sided Western Astrology Thinking —– Western Astrologers reports that the energy of retrograding planets are turned inward and thus help create a scapegoating mindset. This sets up a victim-think stance during the retrograde period. Blame it on “Mercury Retrograde” for example rather than rise to and overcome challenges.

In the matriarchy Taurus was the beginning of the zodiac

Doesn’t using astrology as a tool help us to overcome crises? Since when to we point to an outside force as controlling our destiny?

Venus and the world beyond the patriarchy —– Venus as Goddess, Venus as relationship, Venus as personal energy, Venus representing women and the feminine in the world are some of the representations of the mythos of Venus.

Venus represents many things, the Goddess, love and relationship, art, drama, beauty and personal power to manifest, and to name a few…

The power of Venus and receptivity for example comes from inclusiveness

Venus is said to rule Taurus and Libra. In the matriarchy Taurus was the beginning of the zodiac, not Aries. Notice figure 1, the symbol for Taurus – not the Bull but the womb with the Fallopian tubes on top – symbol of manifestation and giving birth. The patriarchy usurped the feminine sign of Taurus for a masculine power of the Bull (one step in demonizing the matriarchy).

Astrologically Venus is usually relegated romantic love and relationships, art, beauty and all that is soft and receptive. It would seem that the fierce and unrelenting aspects of Venus as Goddess have been suppressed by the patriarchy much as Taurus, the womb of creation was usurped by a male symbol of the bull. Much of Venus in relationship to Taurus has been suppressed and perhaps denied. The power of Venus and receptivity for example comes from inclusiveness. Making and holding space while leading by example inside the space attracts others to the space or cause. This could be the democratization of the power of inclusivity behind a cause for example. This is not to exclude the role of Mars and the pointed energy of Mars or male energy in case and effect actions: “I see what I want and I take actions to get it.” Both kinds of actions are part of our world. However the Venus, by inclusion way of leading is downplayed and excluded thus denigrating receptive actions and women who could lead us to greatness by celebrating the power of inclusivity.

Ruling comes from the hierarchical structure of the patriarchy

Venus rules Taurus from a point of view of inclusivity would infer that a planet’s ruling a sign is less about ruling and more about co-creation. Ruling comes from the hierarchical structure of the patriarchy. When making and holding space for manifestation or creation both an attribute of Taurus as womb and Venus / Goddess containing the womb then there is a possibility of a paradigm shift. Partnership is the key. There is a partnership between the attributes of Venus and Taurus. When ruling is changed to partnering or co-creation the world of astrology and the world at large become bigger and hold the possibility of greater inclusion. Greater inclusion leads to prosperity for all.

the art of life

Venus is associated with art, beauty and form. In our search for meaning, happiness and success we become artists, creators of our immediate reality to some degree. The structures of language and civilization lead to art forms, stories that have a beginning middle and end, followed by a new beginning. These forms or stories are art and containers where we hold space for our lives to have meaning as in phrases such as “the body of work” etc. Venus as art when joined in a partnership with Taurus becomes a womb or cauldron for creation and this is the art of life.

In traditional Western Astrology the natural sign of the second house is Taurus that co-creates with Venus to exude values, personal energy and personal money. When the second house is looked at from a non-patriarchal or partnership perspective it becomes the space or womb of creation for our values, energy and money in the context of others.

Out of the mystical transformations of re-birth (Scorpio) comes the harmony of partnership

When working with receptivity on a practical level we may create a space that is imagine a space, a box, a living room a place that can hold people, ideas, purpose and objects that can be used to symbolize a goal. Remember to imagine putting yourself in the space. “See” someone next to you in the imaged space you’ve created that you can assist and they can assist you with your goal and then extrapolate others that are helping you and that you are help achieve your goal. And you can just wait and sit around waiting for this to all fall into place you must also do some yang / male/ Mars work of cause and effect – making things happen.


Venus Retrograde and The US Midterm Elections —– The force of Venus as Goddess in Scorpio especially during the upcoming retrograde period of October 6 through 31, 2018; then Venus continues retrograding in Libra from November 1 until November 16 well past the American elections in the closer races [11-16-18 at 2:51 am PST or 11-15-18 11:51 pm EST]. Scorpio represents both the mysteries of transformation from the murky depths of water to the Phoenix Bird consuming itself in fire to die in order to create something new. Out of the mystical transformations of re-birth (Scorpio) comes the harmony of partnership and balance (Libra) of both women voting (and men too supporting women and rebirth through voting) and winning office seats at all levels of government on November 6th as one example of this retrograde Venus time.

solidarity of sisterhood everywhere

As Venus retrogrades from the last of Scorpio (October 31st) into the last degree of Libra on November 1st until Venus goes direct on Friday November 16 2018 at 10:52 UT or 2:52 am PST (or Friday November 16th at 10:52 UT 5:52 am). [Coincidentally Mercury goes retrograde on Friday November 16th in the 5:33 pm PST or 8:33 pm EST.]

Venus after her intense ride through transformational Scorpio settles into a partnership of solidarity of sisterhood everywhere and in the context of the US midterm elections a wave of women voters to heal the patriarchy old guard by voting them out of office. On Election Day at sunrise in Washington DC it’s karmic payback time (Moon in Scorpio at 29 degrees – energy blended with retrograding Venus) as we’re poised between the past and future (south node – Aquarius –north node Leo square Moon and Venus) for a big upset in close races and a wave of women in a progressive blue wave (Uranus at zero degrees Taurus retrograde opposite Moon and Uranus and poised between past and future -. See chart below:



For more about my work visit:  Ontario’s The Kai


the mountain spoke to me

the majestic Mount Diablo

When I moved to California in 1982 I began listening to the real world – trees, fields, streams, mountains and all the creatures that inhabited them. I listened with my heart and a bond was formed.

I felt the solidity peace and wisdom of this mountain

I was looking out the back window of the house that the Venerable Dharmawara Mathahera aka Bhante had rented in Lathrop, California in the Central Valley. Beyond the irrigated fields was the majestic Mount Diablo.

I felt the solidity peace and wisdom of this mountain. It looked closer than it had been in the recent past. I felt welcomed by the mountain to the space and heart of California.


It was the entrée point to becoming a healer.


The photos I had taken in the early 80s were destroyed when my garage roof leaked water into boxes where many photos were stored.

I tried to look for comparable photos and have a link to a Wikipedia page:

Here is a earlier piece on Bhante:


For more about my work visit:  Ontario’s The Kai

Offering Love


Bhante – my mentor and teacher who lived to 110 years old once said that for every person that loves it nullifies the hate in ten other people.

Gregg Braden in conjunction with the Heart Math Institute reports that our hearts create a field of about twelve feet and that the instruments used to measure the field can only do so up to twelve feet. So it is possible that the heart field extends much further than twelve feet.

Love loves hate until it dissolves.


Love is the binding emotion. If love can be quantified as photons it could be said that love is a frequency of light. In my experience I have seen a variety of frequencies of light that are love. Love is the stuff of connection in the universe and allows all other emotions to connect to it. Emotions are universal amongst all humans. Its what binds us together as a species. Love is the most binding of all the emotions.

When I send love to another and there is no permission to send it to an individual I send the love near to an individual so that the love is so irresistible it could be delightful to take the love.

When love surrounds hate without us forcing love onto another then it softens the hatred, which is fear and allows it to dissolve. Love loves hate until it dissolves.

Try it to see how sharing or offering love affects your view of yourself, your view of the peopled multiverse and your relationship to the peopled multiverse as well as the multiverse itself.

Lost and – Found

IMG_3104 brain_f2

As I get older I seem to lose stuff. I lost my cell phone a few years back, called my provider had them deactivate the account and then a few hours later found the phone. Where? It was where I had left it. But I didn’t employ the finding techniques I have sometimes used to find lost or misplaced stuff.

A friend who has since passed into another life without her body passed on this technique:

The Eye-Flicking – Remembering where I put It – tool

The women that discovered / invented EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for dealing with people suffering from PTSD, used eye movement to recover and reintegrate repressed memories. My friend said – though this may not have been accurate that the woman, Francine Shapiro was flicking her eyes back and forth to allow a memory to return. My friend said it was possible to move throughout one’s home – flick your eyes back and forth – not in an attempt to visually find the object that you lost but to uncover the memory of where it was. This worked for me a few times.

Cleaning one’s house tool – Frantically cleaning your house to find where you misplaced stuff – works sometimes but not enough.

The Tony-Tony tool – was given to me by a good friend of Italian-American heritage who passed away too young (in my book). Tony is short for St. Anthony finder of lost objects and who also had an undying love and devotion to the poor and the sick. Here’s how this works:

  1. begin with this chant: “Tony, Tony, come around, something’s lost and must be found.” It could be chanted x3.
  2. Wait until it shows up – up to 48 hours
  3. If it shows give anywhere from $1 to $20 to St. Anthony’s to help feed the poor at Christmas (or anytime).

This worked the best for me. Back in the day when I didn’t have much money to give I started with a dollar. When it reached 10 found items of more I wrote a check to St. Anthony’s of San Francisco, CA.


4-magicThe duck pond on the Sonoma Plaza 🙂


On an early Sunday morning in February of 1983 my best friend Kent and I went to Sonoma and the Valley of the Moon.

I had moved to the Stockton area in 1982 to live and work with Bhante – the Dharmawara Mahathera and learn Vipassana Meditation in greater depth. However I rebelled against being a devotee – something he had wanted (not me) and moved out.

Hanging out at the Blackwater Café in Stockton I came to know Kent. We became good friends. He introduced me to the magic of Sonoma.

His introduction was replete with great wisdom and insight.

I am eternally grateful to him for opening the door to my home.

We left around 6 am in the dusk of a cold morning on that February. He drove his van with his dog and me across the delta towards Sonoma. He had a knack for introducing me to the magic of Sonoma and the Valley of the Moon with his mythic-poetic musings peppered into our conversations.

We missed Bill at perform with his guitar at the church. We met Bill and his wife Shirley at the First Congregational Church on West Spain Street in Sonoma at the tail end of the 7 am Service. Then Kent drove us to their cabin near the top of Moon Mountain Drive in Sonoma. We ate brunch and talked.

My third eye opened wide upon entry into the Sonoma Valley.

Kent and I took a short walk on the fire trail to the south of their house and he waxed on about castles in Europe appearing out of the fog – such as the fog in the valley.

Something quite unexpected had happened that day. I digress – that for the past 18 months I had been doing an inner exercise – a meditation in the morning to create light for the “soul’s body” and open the 3rd eye. My third eye opened wide upon entry into the Sonoma Valley.

I felt the town welcomed me, just as Mount Diablo “spoke” to me about becoming a healer. Of course the impressions didn’t come in English but I translated them into language for a better understanding. At first I explained the opening of my Third Eye by all the spiritual work that was done by others in the valley.

Many years after another answer came to me in a softer manner. It was the land herself, the configuration of the Valley of the Moon and the power center (the Plaza) of Sonoma Valley that has been a source of mystery and powerful transformation. I believe the way in which Kent introduced me to Sonoma and the Valley was replete with great wisdom and insight. I am eternally grateful to him for opening the door to my home.

Towards the end of this Field of Dreams film clip Burt Lancaster’s character Doc Graham makes a powerful statement about “home”. This is how it is for me in Sonoma.

PS I give workshops/individual sessions in some of the magical places in Sonoma