Ego, Being and towards Mastery – Part One of Three

Photo by Abbat on

Part One Ego


Ego is a drunken swagger who believes they know everything and because of identity’s need, they become attached to all they purvey. Ego cannot reach mastery without Being, and Being cannot reach mastery without ego. In short: they have a mutual need. When ego claims the idea of Being, attachment follows and ego becomes high on the rush of self-aggrandizement and illusions ensue.

The processes of mastery occurs along a continuum of work. Enlightenment exists within Being always. The discovery of Being is a peeling away of illusion to “know” glimpses of enlightenment at the beginning and through development later may include transcendent enlightenment while remaining embodied and with ego. Though there may be an uncovering of bliss in the process of enlightenment, it does not obliterate ego or ego’s doings.

Ego is not bad. Ego is a manager that interfaces with other egos to manage daily life. In our current world we would not be able to function without an ego. When we come to believe that ego can be a master by denying, forgetting and/or repressing Being then we get lost in a maze of illusion and confusion..

To understand the relationship between ego and Being we must sense / know what they are and how they operate from a neutral observer within if the long hard road of work towards mastery is be embarked upon.

The World of Ego

Ego probably began and evolved concurrently with spoken and written language. Language, ego-identity and linear time have been cemented in our modern culture and are invisible technologies that separate us from Earth. We have been trained to think within the context of language and it has merged with ego. This cannot be undone as far as most of us know.

Around the time that the patriarchy began, agriculture became more formalized and city-states began to appear. The ego became more sophisticated to deal with a regimented societal structure.

To examine the history of ego it follows that our current epoch and its appendages assist in defining ego:

1. Kali Yuga — the last 6,000 years

2. The Patriarchy

3. Capitalism in late stage patriarchy

4. Ego within the context of numbers 1, 2 and 3

Kali Yugas

Since the Descending Kali Yuga began in 3676 BCE (Before Current Era) and the Ascending Kali Yuga ends in 2025 CE (Current Era) or 4 years from now with a 300-year cusp or buffer to 2325 CE; it is characterized by duality and divisiveness. It follows that our egos would fall under this rubric [1].

There appears to have been no — one inciting event when the Patriarchy began. In 4000 BCE “fatherhood” was first recognized [2]. This appears to have taken place 324 years after the Descending Kali Yuga began. Patterns of thought within the Kali Yugas appear to have shaped the ego as humans moved more aggressively into agriculture, animal husbandry and the city-state. This could be the first example of either/or thinking and the advent of a new egoic structure in human beings that is also characteristic of the the Kali Yugas and their natural out-growth: the patriarchy.

The Kali Yugas both descending and ascending together have the following attributes:

· Avarice and wrath will be common.

· Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.

· Religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, physical strength and memory will diminish with each passing day.

· People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that [this probably developed over the full length of the descending and ascending Kali Yugas].

· Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.

· Sin [as in against moral and/or religious law] will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.

· People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs [as well as other repetitive acts that become harmful when indulged in excessively].

· All the human beings will declare themselves as gods or [as blessings] boon given by gods and make it as a business instead of teachings.

· People will no longer get married and live with each other just for sexual pleasure.

· Weather and environment will degrade with time and frequency and unpredictable rainfalls [droughts and fires] will happen.

· Earthquakes will be common.

· Many fake ideologies will spread throughout the world.

· The powerful people will dominate the poor people.

· Many diseases will spread [3].


Before the patriarchy was the matriarchy. The matriarchy had a horizontal hierarchical structure. All land and resources were communally based and centered around the Goddess as represented by women, yin and/or the receptive. Women were communicators with the Divine Feminine and Earth’s body. Child rearing was done by the group — no families. There was agriculture and egalitarian hunting groups that brought animal kills to augment the seasonal vegetables, fruits and grains. Major decisions were discussed by the community and the women of the community with women as authority because of their link with the Goddess. Astrologer, Jeffery Wolf Green postulates that the patriarchy grew out of a massive rebellion against the horizontal hierarchy of the communal group. The Matriarchy belief system, Green postulates, states that the Goddess worked through men or the male to deliver the seed to the woman representing the Goddess. Men only acted as vessels and nothing more so the Goddess could deliver the seed to make a woman pregnant with child. Over many years men began to think of themselves as more than empty vessels and began to rebel against the Goddess [4]. That and the sweep of the Huns across Asia into Europe and the Mediterranean — many matriarchal communities were obliterated in Eurasia. “Rebellion against” is a reactionary move against an opposite and could be characterized as an example of both associative and dualistic thinking [5]. The patriarchy could have been the origin of these types of thinking and a different more structured ego.

The patriarchy is a vertically organized structure based on the dominance (and ownership) of women and children as well as other humans deemed by men as to be inferior or sub-human groups. This vertical structure appeared to be responsible for the formation of the family and was definitely defined by the ownership and subjugation of women. Women were branded for life by taking the man’s surname in the bondage institution of marriage. Marriage, with regard to women giving-up their maiden names and taking on the surname of the man has survived in a majority of those who are married in the current age. Some women when married take in a hyphenated name, preserving their maiden name but I would hardly call this real progress. Only those women who retain their maiden or family name in marriage may be another step closer in separating themselves from the yoke of patriarchal power; albeit a small and important step.

Men of property and name (as in royalty — later in business) passed on their property to male sons thus developing male lineage and a hold over women. Men who did not own property were named commoners or serfs and were lower in the pecking order of the system.

Its possible that the early Greeks were black. All the Gods and Goddess of the Greeks were black and even Jesus was black as some evidence suggests [6]. The Romans appeared to have had an integrated culture of blacks and darker skinned Romans. Both the Greeks and Romans had slaves. With the advent of the Roman Catholic Church across Europe and the Anglo-Saxon whites many others became slaves or serfs. As the European countries flourished under Monarchies the white male came into prominence as the top of the patriarchal structure.

The United States adopted slavery and even though the Civil War was fought to free the slaves, black people have remained under the Jim Crow laws and other forms of systemic slavery to this day. The Nazis modeled the Third Reich on American models of institutional slavery [7].

The patriarchy is a top down vertical hierarchical power structure. Even those who vie for top positions in the structure lose power and are dominated by someone else. Those at the bottom of the structure — poor blacks, poor people of color, poor LGBT peoples are under the full brunt of patriarchal power.

Capitalism in Late-Stage Patriarchy

Capitalism has undergone many iterations of itself to become what it is today: Predatory Capitalism built on planned obsolesce, un-sustainability, dividing products / services into increasingly smaller parts to sell for more money, hyper-competition, monopolies, stock buy-backs that focus on power and more money. It is the more power and money that is never enough; in short — breeding greed, addiction and the lust for power. This is a zero-sum game where the losers are: all people except those at the top the 1%-ers. Earth is also a loser because capitalism treats Earth as a repository for unlimited resources and a waste bucket for all useless tech and refuse. Capitalism treats the people who use the products and services as products / consumers in the system headed for destruction.

Corporate Power with slightly left and right leaning ideologies that control governments stripping America of democracy for an oligarchy while keeping the appearance of democracy — barely.

The shortsightedness of predatory capitalism through quarterly profits, treating products and services and the consumers thereof as objects is wholly unsustainable such that the climate crisis will destroy the human cancer.


Ego is the good manager. A strong boundaried ego with good self-esteem is necessary to act as a proficient manager in our daily socio-political interactions [political is not being used as governance term — as in political parties but as a phenomenological term — a social creature with social interactions]. We need a strong ego to function well in our social milieu or mix to help us know who we are. Without a strong ego we can’t definitively know ourselves. To release or surrender ego to know the being self or a wider consciousness becomes muddied if we have unhealthy egos.

Ego, language, linear space-time, are the invisible technologies that interface with a world we are meant to think is real. Ego is defined by the epoch, by the organization structure and its components.

Ego lives with the context of:

· The Descending and Ascending Kali Yugas with the prescribed parameters of everything is a business (including animals, human animals, plant life, minerals, water, sky, the Sun as objects of business) and define reality through divisive either/or — aka dualistic thinking. The Kali Yugas are about destruction to create something new from the ashes.

· The patriarchy is an instrument and the victim of the Kali Yugas.

· Capitalism is a tool of the patriarchy

· Ego is ruled under the parameters of the Kali Yugas, the patriarchy and capitalism

Ego is the buffer between the Self and the modern world. It is a manager who believes that the Kali Yuga, patriarchy and capitalism are real because that’s all we know so it must be true.

Ego belongs and is owned by an invented concept of linear-space time of past, present and future. The past has been invented as if it were a place when “the past” exists as memories of the past in the present. The future is invented based on assumptions, expectations, extrapolations, predictions, hopes, fears, faith that is invented by the ego and projected on an illusory place called “the future”.

Eternity is a linear-time based illusion of something that belongs to an “afterlife” that continues on forever in an infinite time-line. Religions rely on beliefs and not direct experience of divinity, ordinarily. Eternity is associated with the “place” of “heaven” where eternal life exists in perpetuity due to the traps of ego related time-based realities that were systemically created eons ago. Linear space-time is a convenient way to describe this illusory world based within the system where ego co-creates a fixed reality.

Beliefs are built from automatic habits for the most part and are generational. They are passed on by parents, peers, generation and culture. If a child rebels against a belief in religion, for example, they are caught in a dualistic world of illusion due to the act of the rebellion. In other words, the act of rebellion enslaves a person in the illusion because it belongs to a divisive dyad of within the set of contradiction.

Humans hold contradictory beliefs because egos are based on illusion and seek to deny the illusion by creating another illusion of wholeness within the ego. Each parent holds contradictory beliefs within themselves and passes them on to the child through modelling behavior and via words. “Do as I say, not as I do.” are types of phrases that reveal the contradictions in behaviors. A child sees the hypocrisy and incorporates that as part of the operating system and attempts to reconcile it with other beliefs. When they cannot it is forgotten, suppressed, repressed, sublimated or diverted through unconscious behaviors. The ego is a flawed manager puffed up by belief attempting to deal with a flawed world without a full deck.

Beliefs are built out of habits that originate with actions. They are held by the mind of the body, by the mind of the emotional center and by the cognitive center (the thinking mind) and then incorporated through habit into the operating system. All good and bad habits are held indiscriminately through the mind of the body which may create diseases to deal with the inconsistencies especially when habits arise out of a trauma base.

For those that hunger for truth these are the thirsty seekers who will stop at nothing to learn the truth and live by it.

Part 2 is about Being

Part 3 is about Mastery along with some rudimentary techniques




3 The brackets are mine used to expand / tweak the meaning


5 study of Consciousness:



8 General Source materials Enlightenment and descriptions of ego arises from Buddhist teachings. The association of ego with language are both observations and arise — in part from a book: Language in Thought and Action, SI Hayakawa

Memory, Time and Identity

“The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”  Einstein


Linear time is the kind of time we know and we are often unaware of it and rarely question its veracity due to its invisibility.

Memory is the foundation of identity, time, space, intent, purpose, meaning and perhaps destiny. Without memory humans as we know the species could not exist.

Sense Organs and Memory


Memory, both long and short term, appears to be stored and processed in the human neo-cortex. It is created through an array of perceptual filters through a variety of senses that are organ-based for external and internal stimuli:

  1. Visual
  2. Auditory
  3. Tactile
  4. Olfactory
  5. Gustatory (taste)
  6. Itch
  7. Pressure
  8. Temperature
  9. Hunger
  10. Thirst
  11. Pain
  12. Direction
  13. Muscle Tension
  14. Proprioception -the ability to tell where your body parts are, relative to other body parts
  15. Equilibrioception – spatial orientation, balance, body movement, acceleration and deceleration, directional changes
  16. Stretch Receptors – these are found in such places as the lungs, bladder, stomach, blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract.)
  17. Chemoreceptors – these trigger areas of the medulla in the brain that is involved in detecting blood born hormones and drugs. It also is involved in the vomiting reflex.
  18. Sexual stimulation

Non-organ sensations cannot be separated from memory and they include but may not be limited to:

  • Attention – may be the only sense involves the shifting or changing focus to internal or external stimuli in present time and involves memory as an adjunct
  • Time / Memory- time* cannot exist without memory and memory cannot exist without time
  • Agency – meaning a subjective feeling of having chosen an action
  • Familiarity – recognition (grounded in long and short term memory cues)

All the sense organs / filters listed above interact with memory and help form a sensation of the passage of time and cement individual and species identity. Memory is processed through and interacts with a number of perceptual filters that we as humans create our environment (see figure 1 below):


Senses, Memory and Attention

Individual memories exist and are malleable. Memory is selective depending on how we cultivate focused and diffused attention within conscious memory. Our brains hold more information than the conscious memories that we can recall. That information could consist of our unconscious memories. It is possible to access unconscious memories in the present through a variety of techniques (practiced divided attention, trance-work, hypnotherapy to name a few).

Language, ego, learning, familial prejudices and biases, beliefs and emotional states are some of the factors that are screeners for the focus of attention. The amount of information that impinges on all our sense organs and their combinations are much more than we remember consciously. This unregistered data may represent some of the information that comes through to us in dreams and /or it could be useful in long term memory retrieval and reconstruction and / or it could represented shared memory consciousness, “past, future or parallel lives”. Until we access the unconscious materials we may never know what the specifics of unregistered data, how it is stored, where it is stored and how it can be retrieved.

All of us know how to focus our attention because we have been inculcated with this method of “paying attention” since we entered elementary school. Most American public education systems have been organized along a Prussian military system of rows and columns dictated for order with attention drawn exclusively to the teacher. This way of directing attention besides being an active method is built on a hierarchical system that implies strata or a class system.

Active attention is a subject focusing on an object as directed by a intermediary mainly a teacher. Television, Cinema, and some computer applications are examples of active attention systems. Networks of roads and automobile travel also follows the active attention system.

Receptive attention is invisible mostly because the habituation of active / focused attention. Receptive attention could be relegated to daydreaming and is mostly discarded as a learning strategy. Receptive attention involves subtly shifting focus from one point to an aggregate field. This kind of focus is one of dividing attention by shifting from different foci. For example look at the dot at the center of figure 3.


Blur your focus. Then use your peripheral vision to attend to the field. This can be done in your house as well: 1. Stare a point on the wall opposite of where you are sitting; 2. While continuing to stare at the dot pay attention to the surrounding “aggregate” field with your attention taking note of what you glean in your visual field – you are using your periphery attention. Exercises like this one are designed to stretch or lengthen attention span while allowing the receptive information that your senses are registering to be acknowledged and cataloged to some degree.

Attention is the building block of consciousness. Memory recall allows attention to expand based on previous experiences. The main danger and/or benefit of operating from memory are assumptions. The danger of some assumptions based on memories of previous experiences could be premises that are faulty for a variety of reasons. The benefit of making assumptions based on memories are streaming lining habits that become part of autonomic processing. Driving a car is an example. Once we learn the processes of driving they become habit and go into autonomic processing flow.

Repetitive acts become habits seamlessly so our conscious minds can pay attention to other stimuli in our immediate environments.

Space-Time and Memory

Linear time is the kind of time we know. We know this kind of time so well we don’t call it linear. We don’t see it as illusion or a system we invented unless we have been alerted that it exists in this way. Linear time is invisible and seamless. We continually make assumptions about “the past” as if it is a place that exists in the past because we remember it. We remember past events that have been ordered by language and linear-spatial time because our parents and the current epoch of civilization have taught us to structure reality in this way. We learned aural language to communicate with our parents and define ourselves – “this is me and this is not me” etc. The structure of language follows a pattern of past, present and future.

Most of our identity is recorded in our memory. The past exists in the present accessible through memories. Assumptions about “the future” are extrapolations based on past assumptions of commonly observable events currently stored in memory.

Families, friends, groups, communities, states, nations and historians holding a particular point of view agree upon shared memories of recorded histories. These consensual memories are sometimes built on entrenched philosophical stances and highly charged emotional states. Conservative Republicans have different interpretations of facts presented by historians than Left leaning Liberal Democrats. Sometimes facts are disputed and sometimes not, but the course of action differs based on belief etc.

Memories record the passage of time and provide the illusion that the past exists in a place. The reason for this is memories recreate the passage of time in a full sensory 3-D memory replete with emotional content etc. Past memories are not the literal past. Memories are merely a record of past events.

It’s easier to see that the future doesn’t exist because we have no memory of it. We anticipate future events base on past memories, extrapolations, assumptions and expectations etc.

The fleeting present that disappears into short term memory can barely be grasped if at all. Memory, associative thought and emotion are the factors that help create identity.

Collective / Shared Memory

Our human species while having features in our brains and bodies for memory storage there may be a shared weak EM (electromagnetic) field that may hold memories in common. However there is mutual agreement for collective memory as recorded in history books and writings made by individuals in history itself. Individual memories interact with others to form a collective memory system (see figure 2 below):


Memory is both individual and shared. A human cannot thrive alone completely. Infants need parents for care and learning – creating the basis for shared and eventually collective memories. This not only defines individual identity but it also ensures the survival of the species.

Strong recognition appears to be based on emotional bonds that are reinforced by memory recall as well as many accompanying perceptual filters (organs). I recognize my mother’s face and she recognizes mine. There is an emotional bond that sparks memory with the bond of love. This is one example of how we create an individual in an interdependent social world.

In NDE (Near Death Experiences) people sometimes report passing through a tunnel of light and meeting relatives that have passed on. Are these memories of “dead” relatives or are these actual relatives?

When my father passed to the next life I watched different vibrational fields create the tunnel of light that his consciousness passed through. He “met” his dead relatives and conjured them up as he remembered them. They in-turn used the conjuring to interface in a recognizable medium for the purpose of communication. (Could this also be happening as we meet friends and relatives still living?)

Many quantum physicists are admitting that reality is created by us and projected “out there” to be experienced. If we as a species are creating reality based on the 18 senses listed below:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Tactile
  • Olfactory
  • Gustatory (taste)
  • Itch
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Hunger
  • Thirst
  • Pain
  • Direction
  • Muscle Tension
  • Proprioception -the ability to tell where your body parts are, relative to other body parts
  • Equilibrioception – spatial orientation, balance, body movement, acceleration and decceralation, directional changes
  • Stretch Receptors – these are found in such places as the lungs, bladder, stomach, blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract.)
  • Chemoreceptors – these triggers areas of the medulla in the brain that is involved in detecting blood born hormones and drugs. It also is involved in the vomiting reflex.
  • Sexual stimulation

And 4 non-organ sensations cannot be separated from memory (or 22 senses in all) and they include but may not be limited to:

  • Attention – may be the only sense involves the shifting or changing focus to internal or external stimuli in present time and involves memory as an adjunct
  • Time / Memory – time* cannot exist without memory and memory cannot exist without time
  • Agency – meaning a subjective feeling of having chosen an action
  • Familiarity – recognition (grounded in long and short term memory cues)

All 22 senses listed above rely on memory to function. If memory did not exist we would not know about them. Time and Memory are so inexorably bound and belong together as a sense and involve all other senses.

All the senses listed above including time/memory work in concert with others of our human species. It would seem that memory and the “passage of time” that composes the identity of individuals is necessary for the survival of the species. It follows that our species might also interact with other collective memories of species such as mammals, animals, vegetation, bacteria and viruses.

There are two types of time-space-memory modalities one is explicit and the other implicit. The explicit or more obvious time/space/memory modality is oral and written history, archeology – most written and is based on consensual historical agreements of past memories. There are histories of the Holocaust as perpetrated by Hitler and the Nazis is a matter of eye-witness accounts. There are oral histories – both in person and through media as films and television documentaries and written histories in books. However its safe to report that there is no one still alive to give an oral report of the American Revolutionary War. Our collective memories arise from written histories after the fact and documents written during the time of the war. An implicit modality is only a theory that there is a collective time/space collective memory net in a low frequency EM field.

The discovery of magnetite produced in the human brain that assists in generating a low level EM (Electromagnetic) field that coordinates with the electromagnetic energy of Earth and with geomagnetic storms. Since memory is stored as electric impulses in the brain it can be extrapolated that the low EM field could relate to an exo-corporeal field that the members of the human species create in a group memory net.

Memories accessed from the group memory net (GMN) could be a form time travel via consciousness transfer alone. Authors writing similar themes in distant locations could have easily accessed the GMN. The GMN could define the human species as a whole via access and group subsets within that whole that may supersede the connectivity of the Internet.


*Time – time may be experienced in a wider consciousness and lose memory as we know it. This is nearly impossible to explain because it supersedes ordinary human experience

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