Prisons – the list

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Prisons (parameters or states) from Bottom to Top:

  1. Eons
  2. Epochs
  3. The physical body (from birth on…)
  4. Emotions
  5. Thinking
  6. Language and Ego
  7. Sense of Self/ Sense of Other
  8. Eras (for example Yugas see 09.1.1 through 09.1.5 below)
  9. 1.1 Satya
    • Satya – Clan

09.1.3 Treta – Recovery phase

09.1.4 Treta/Dwapara – Matriarchal

09.1.5 Kali – Patriarchal Patriarchal – Kings/Lords Kings, Royalty Oligarchies Dictatorships/Democracies Democracies/Oligarchies Commerce/Capitalism

10.1 Death of the Body (Afterlife)…

10.2 Reincarnation

When humans as spirits complete their prison terms they are freed to move on. This may include evolving to a higher level of consciousness or return to Earth as Bodhisattvas. There are other options:

  1. Spirit and Body are eaten by light.
  2. Entire Human species except those that die evolve over a matter of months to a Higher Vibrational Realm

We have given our immunity to Big Pharma

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What changed?

As a boomer I had the usual array of childhood illnesses (measles, chicken pox, and so on) as many us experienced. As medicine advanced vaccines developed to help prevent against many childhood diseases including against widespread polio. We all considered this a good thing.

In my 20s and 30s I’ve had 9 flues. I had no flues in my 40s or 50s. At age 64 I had contracted a bad flu and did not get the vaccine in enough time due to the Christmas holidays. I was out of work for 8 weeks. Pharma develops flu shots every year, but I don’t take them. I wonder what’s wrong with my own immunity, is it no longer enough? That may be true for a variety of reasons:

· Increased population

· Poor health of Americans particularly — read: weakened immune systems

· Overly reliant on the AMA and Pharma to provide a fix to whatever ails us

· Deregulation of the Mainstream Media — ads for prescription meds on television

· Deregulation of Industry — development of more medications for more symptoms

· Dietary habits

· An Aging population

· Profit as a primary motivation for selling health

Addiction and Taking Responsibility for Our Health

No. I’m not writing about addiction to opioids, alcohol, methamphetamines or heroin, although these are big problems.

We Americans have a bigger addiction problem and the solutions of Big Pharma, Health Providers and Insurance companies are in part enablers of our addictive patterns due to profit for the most part. Americans in general like popping pills whether that be prescriptions, OTC pills or supplements for aches and pains; and the flu. Some smaller segments of the population have divorced themselves from the Medical Establishment and Big Pharma to pursue alternate health.

The biggest addictions we have as Americans is pursuing an avoidance of — fill-in-the-blank for blind comfort and safety. If we aren’t homeless and work jobs, we pursue comfort through an obsessive-compulsive consumption of:

· Food

· Television and films both through Mainstream Media and Streaming

· Legal stimulants like coffee and energies drinks

· Legal substances — alcohol and marijuana (now legal in many states)

· Buying More stuff

· Sex

· Excessive Exercise

· Internet practices

· Excessive cleanliness

Some of these addictions have increased since the COVID19 pandemic hit.

As a result of the change in habits in both the addictions above and as we shun the out-of-doors we have problems with excessive weight — for example, as a result. All of these stresses effect our immunity.

The Answer has been offered and accepted as more symptoms have been presented and /or manufactured by the public and Big Pharma. It’s the snake that eats its own tail on the way to annihilation.

Taking Responsibility and Making Changes

In September of 2019 I was coasting. In November, a close friend intervened and suggested I engage in a grief process for somatic issues related to childhood trauma. I chose it. As a result of that process many miraculous events happened. And there was the hard work of changing my diet and habits especially with the challenges of the pandemic. I adopted a mostly vegan diet and have lost about 70 pounds.

I haven’t had a blood test for T-Cells to see how my immunity is doing, but I am feeling better.

The challenge is — do we reclaim our immunity or go with Big Pharma to do it for us?

The Illusion of Democracy

I think the late George Carlin in one of his ominous stand-up performances said that we live under the illusion we live in a democracy since our representatives have been bought by conservative and liberal corporate interests and we are slaves to them. That’s the largest part of the bad news going on now for many years since the late 1970s.

Part Two: Trump belongs to a cult of personality. His rhetoric is childlike with matching intellect. He is like a commoner with an over-stuffed ego. The people that identify with him see a path to The American Dream Myth* because they believe in the strong individualist akin to “John Wayne”. Trump and the “strong individualist man of the 1950s” are seen as saviors from a fiendishly complex world of the rich controlling the world and the existential climate crisis, etc. So whether they are the MAGA common folk or the aspiring rich and greedy they favor Trump-like characters.

The good news is the progressive wave amongst young people that have not yet been bought by money, greed and power are slowly taking office. The bad news is that this will take a long time to fulfill and we don’t have much time because the effects of the climate crisis are upon us.

Still, I have faith that eventually “we will overcome”.


*The American Dream is a myth except those born into privilege – mainly those who are white, highly educated males who are have inherited money, real estate or assets. Most people fall into believing that anyone from any walk of life who is an American Citizen can achieve the American Dream. We have been taught and the MSM (main stream media) reinforces that there is no class structure in the United States of America. But in fact there are classes as there must be in this patriarchy – a hierarchical means of organizing the world based on the ownership of women, ownership of children and the ownership of people as slaves. It means owning land and by proxy owning mineral rights, oil rights, water rights as things for use and to discard what no longer makes money into garbage dumps, toxic waste dumps such as rivers and streams. You get the idea. Classes are based on skin color, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, level of education, and sexual orientation. Based on over-population and the factors stated above very few achieve the American Dream.

Many are fooled into thinking that they can achieve this myth in a world-side system that is stacked against the majority of the population.

Towards Sustainability-All In

Besides obvious solutions towards sustainability (solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geo-thermal) there are a number of other possibilities and permutations to generate electricity: hydroelectric power utilizing tides in the ocean, fuel cell tech, generating solar power on orbital platforms and beaming it to Earth (as Bucky Fuller suggested). It seems to me that all of these manners of tech must be employed concurrently to assist in solving the problems we all face. We cannot rely on tech alone to “save” us. Even the notion of tech saving us is a belief that we are non-responsible children looking to a parent to “fix-it” where we are exempt from sacrifice for the greater good (that includes us).

Conservation is certainly a part of the answer and needs to be integrated into our lifestyle. By changing consumeristic capitalism into a sustainable force – a materialistic capitalism, for example, as it once existed through craftsmen or craftspeople. Products that were meant to last a generation or more without needing replacement or repair are a part of our past abandoned for predatory capitalism. Craft must be part of a sustainable future where the craftsperson(s) are proud of their work and rewarded as role models, master craftspeople and solid members of community in addition to making a good living. If we as humans can embody the sacredness of our lives along with other species and Earth’s bounty, then we can live harmoniously for many generations in community.

A fast-changing economic system of cooperation first and profit second is needed if humanity is to be spared from the worst of the climate crisis; namely extinction. Think of the common good*, “what I give to you I also give to myself” or in other words – cooperation, planning out to the seventh generation for all biological species. Working towards sustainability on all fronts is paramount now lest we suffer more and perish in vast numbers.

I love the idea of free money, hell, no money and everything is free. Obviously, we are not ready for a “no-money” “everything is free” economy. That kind of economy must be a 7 generational goal or 560 years (generations are based on the average lifespan of individuals from the generation – now 79 years in the United States and 81 years in some European nations).

When we recognize greed, money, power and comfort as addictions that can never be sated, then we may be able to face the feelings of aloneness, loneliness and perhaps abandonment. Facing these emotional states while remembering and acting upon the common good is the context we must place ourselves within if we are to avert the sixth extermination event on Planet Earth that may include human beings. Or will a little over one million humans worldwide emerge as a cooperative species or be doomed to repeat future mass extinction events?

Sustainability is something we need to work towards quickly. It’s far from perfect and without our full participation as well as from industry and government it won’t work because it needs all of us working together.

One non-profit I look towards as a possible holistic solution is:

*The Common Good –

The 6th Mass Extinction Event and subsequent events –

Trump: The Anti-“Forrest Gump”

The pinnacle of Republican Party dominance comes with an Anti-“Forrest Gump” demon: Trump. He’s the thug, the ignorant and exceedingly clever con-man that many in the public are identifying with his “common man” vernacular.  He is the front-man for world-wide corporate power. He opens the flood-gates for others as bad or worse than he is, to come in and take over. Trump has set the precedence for the future.

This is a man characteristic of the age – of everyone for themselves. When value was transferred from moral principle and the common good – many, many years ago and worth began to be determined based on the amount of money and assets one had, this was the beginning of the end.

Trump is a symptom of this. His addiction to money, power, greed, strength and revenge can never end. He lives for a future that can never be realized. He must prey on the weak. The toxic patriarchy has been taken to its logical extreme and coupled with predatory capitalism is eviscerating all that don’t belong in the privileged white male Top-Of-The-Class group. The hierarchical based system will always have someone at the bottom. The hierarchical based system will always have someone at the bottom. In our current world where concentration camps have already appeared – there are more to come.

Even if by some hard-earned miracle Trump loses and is removed from office he will be back with a vengeance – immediately running for 2024. We must get better organized to lead the Democrats. We must remain vigilant until the current form of the Republican Party is only a disgrace and vague memory. Otherwise all is lost.

No Sacrifice for The Greater Good

swimmers on beach preparing for competition
Photo by sergio souza on

I live in California where Convid19 is out of control.

Why? This is not rocket science.

The “All for One and One for All” is a lost practice amongst many Americans.  They have forgotten history and have embraced: “It’s all about me.”

As soon as the warm weather hit I noticed forgetfulness striking me – I’d forget to put on my mask as I headed towards an enclosed peopled structure and had to turn-back to my car to put it on.

The Beach

for a flippant rant: chickee-rock-with-pictures


How Trump May Win the Election

black chain
Photo by lalesh aldarwish on

And what we can do about it (as in stopping him).

Its very clear that there is overwhelming opposition to the Trump campaign and there are enough people to defeat him, but…

Trump, as the vicious sociopath without a moral compass or compassion for those not in his camp — he plans to crush his opposition and become the President in name only — aka the Führer / Dictator of America.

Opportunistic Means:

· Use of the Pandemic to divide and eliminate unwanted voters

· Evictions of the Middle, Working Class and the Poor from their homes

· Planned failure of the US Postal System and the chaos of its demise (in October)

· Stacking the courts with lifetime appointees of conservative judges — in Trump’s pocket — like any Mob Boss

· Destroying the US Economy by hurting the 99% through a variety a means

· Encouraging China to dig dirt on Biden (and other countries ie Russia)

· Lack of effect cyber safeguards on the election

· Use of Voter Suppression and Purging already in place to reduce a non-existent problem — voter fraud.

I could go on, but we already know his tactics and philosophy (make money, win, and get even).

He has ignored the Pandemic from the beginning and is making a profit and eliminating those he considers irrelevant to the election based on numbers alone. His transfer of more money to the rich- while withholding needed funding from the middle class, the working class and the poor adds to greater divisiveness from his point of view for the purpose of winning. Only the rich — who continue to support his grab for power are either oblivious to anyone but themselves or see the 99% as expendable fodder for serfdom and slavery to the predatory capitalist machine.

[Of course, he is oblivious to showing compassion towards the 99%. His focus is so narrow he only sees acquiring more money and power at the expense of the US Economy and those who are not with him. The US Constitution is there when he can get an advantage from it and inconvenient when he cannot. This is the convenient floating morality of negligent criminal behavior at its very least.]

As money runs out for the unemployed of the 99% they are or will soon be evicted as renters or those that default on their mortgages. The homeless population will explode and most like be worse than The Great Depression and tank the US and world economies for years to come. And it will be especially bad in the US in an increasingly destitute dystopia.

A population that is homeless will need an affordable mailing address and / or a physical address to remain registered to vote. Without an address many will be automatically eliminated from the voter rolls.

Many Indigenous Americans have only US Post Offices Boxes as mailing addresses which in the past have been able to keep them as registered voters. With the imminent failure of the US Post Office said to run out of money in October — one month before the election those without homes or those that rely of receiving mail at the Post Office may experience chaos with regard to mail-in balloting. Another link in the chain of a valuable infrastructure of commerce (for small businesses — like mine), voting and low-cost shipping.

Amongst the 99% who are unemployed and homeless the economy which relies on the consumerism of the middle and working class will collapse as individuals and families become homeless because the government that is supposed to serve them couldn’t care less.

However, Trump’s GOP pals are beginning to see the message and like rats jumping a sinking ship are beginning to balk at his policies especially when it threatens their re-election. Now is the time to put pressure on House and Senate members in each state to save the Postal service, to provide relief for those who are in danger of being evicted as one step to save the economy.

“The Endless Call” — a Washington Post piece, I mean WTF Why does it have to be “endless”?

The Endless Call” an article from the Washington Post by David Montgomery — it’s by-line reads: “Demands for racial equality and justice have always been a part of the American Story…” though well written BTW and aptly enraging and heart wrenchingly awful at the same time is not the whole story.

I mean, WTF — Why does it have to be endless? Is this piece keeping us all trapped in the f — king system of racism, in the world of White Male Father Knows Best? Is this the best way to frame a solution? Really? “The Endless Call”?

doesn’t endless mean – keep the struggle going forever?

Are we all complicit in this crazy-ass system?

The following could be a small example of what we need to start to change the system one-person at a time (not that, that’s the only way, of course): In the 1980s I was involved in one of these new-age BS personal growth courses where one person showed-up a few minutes late. The “facilitator” dude (F-D) asked us all of us to sit down while he singled out the late guy. For some crazy-ass reason I remained standing. The “facilitator” aka autocratic leader dude made this guy “an example” of the importance of being on-time and was ready to boot him from the course.

“Get out!” The F-D, drunk on power, commanded the guy to leave.

“No,” I said countering his power with equal force — at least in my voice.

“Frank, sit down. This isn’t about you,” F-D soothed with his voice.

“Sit-down, you’re wasting time,” a cat call from the group — by another guy.

“I stand for George,” I said. “ When are we going to take responsibility for our community? When are we going to stand for what’s right? When are we going to allow for a mistake? When are we going to be inclusive instead of exclusive? What does kicking-him-out say about our community, say about us? Are we a community that excludes one person, for a mistake? In my mind that is not a community, that’s a dictatorship.” and other people behind me started to stand with me.

“Okay, George you can stay.” Then F-D launched into a brief statement about being on-time — a good value, but without compassion — useless.

By couching this article in The Post as “The Endless Call” doesn’t that frame the article as a never-ending fight against racism and systemic racism? It may be a good rallying cry though — maybe that was the point.

I saw this liberal — and very well written piece of the injustices and heart-wrenching crimes against black people who remain slaves in the supposed home of the free etc. piece as one way to keep the struggle going forever and encapsulated in an acceptable frame. Keep the fight going — its graphic (plus music) and sells more copy. Though this is probably an unconscious bias of Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post and most people seeking normative ground. If we take it out of the immediate drama then the injustice of systemic racism belongs to a bigger picture of the crushing blows of predatory capitalism and the oligarchical US Government teetering on the edge of full-blown fascism.

The patriarchy needs a scapegoat. It’s a top-down hierarchical power-over based system where white educated males are on-top. By keeping the debate out of the kitchen of white male power and forcing the verbal and physical altercations to the living room and bedrooms then very little will get done.

Towards solutions (damage control or harm reduction):

Vote Biden in office

Vote McConnell out.

Flip the Senate to Democrats

Hold the House to Democrats

Defund the DNC from corporate money-base power — re-write the by-laws for the people.

And Drive the GOP into Oblivion. Of course, they will re-organize; hopefully into a party that is sane and bases itself on governing with cooperation.

The Washington Post piece link:

we did to ourselves


hotrod die cast model on board
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on



I’m not a Consumer

I’m a free person!

“Yeah, right…”

Add sarcasm here.


This is a simple logic argument with two premises where healthcare and healthcare insurance went from being a service to being a predatory profit high growth business.

Context is required here.

“Greed is good.”

We cannot take healthcare as a service and healthcare insurance out of the context of an insanely profit driven system that puts the health and well-being of 100% of humans’ health at risk. And it isn’t just healthcare its – well everything is at risk. It’s the snake that eats its own tail. And we are all to blame.

In the Oliver Stone film Wall Street, the character Gordon Gekko said “Greed is good.” Stone was tapping into the zeitgeist of America and the origins of predatory capitalism that was building towards the insanity that is now – worldwide.

How it has happened – here are some factors involved (but not all):

  • World-Wide Corporate Power exploded with deregulation under President Reagan.
  • Representative Governments sell-out to Corporate Power
  • The USA Republicans became the tools of Corporate Power under the free-enterprise system
  • The Democrats followed the Republican sell-out model beginning with Bill Clinton’s second term as President
  • The Republicans have been plotting to end the Democratic control of the Country by whatever means necessary – enter Trump the ultimate tool of Corporate Power and corruption
  • The Baby-Boomers – for the most part dropped out of politics for the New Age movement or Spiritual Development at the expensive of political activism for the most part. Other Boomers became millionaires and even billionaires while others just went along with the status quo (“Our leaders will take care of us,” attitude because we elected them and were under the illusion that they represent the people.) Or lost faith in government after Nixon and Watergate. Subsequent generations have just gone along with “the status quo”.


What has been happening and where the Climate aka World-Wide Health Crisis originated (but not all):

  • Free-market capitalism will police itself. Well, only in terms of maximizing profits in the short term. Pollution? What’s that?
  • The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) was signed into being by Nixon but was never given real power to effectively stop polluters from polluting.
  • And we – former citizens – made into consumers by the facts of capitalism in its extreme continued passively to accept polluting technologies.
  • No one with maybe one exception has raised the issue of what is a healthy planet – Patch Adams and how the health or non-health of the planet has contributed to human beings’ health.
  • Why healthcare is a human right? Corporations and the citizens / consumers have made blind choices to the worship of money, profit and greed to an increasing toxic world for the sake of increasing comforts and convenience
  • Consumer passivity – who has time for activism when you’re working two jobs and so is your partner to provide for your family. (All part of the oppressive / suppressive oligarchical design aka keep the consumer in-line.)
  • And the upcoming mass extinction event coming to a multiplex near you or maybe too close to you.



The two premises are:

  1. Healthcare Industry is a gambling industry based on the odds that you will not fall ill. Their job is not to pay for your claim regarding your illness if at all possible. Their primary aim is making money, their secondary aim is paying for your partial healthcare costs.
  2. Health does not occur in a vacuum. It’s related to an environmentally balanced world. A planet that receives toxic substances grows increasing unbalanced until its systems require balance. If a number of humans or all the humans are eliminated the planet will seek to rebalance her/him/itself. Thus, the upcoming mass extinction event.


Healthcare as a human right. Water belongs to the people. A Bill of Rights for the Planet. These are antithetical to the world-wide corporate cabal and needed for the survival of the human species on the planet.

Is it too late? Maybe or maybe not. We’ll never know unless we go for it.

When is it ever too late to relieve suffering?

Never is my answer.

All the systems of modern life are synergistically related to human healthcare, the health (toxicity) of the planet etc. income inequality, substandard justice, the USA continually at war, Machiavellian Politics and the use of the scapegoat to name a few. At time where worldwide cooperation is needed to provide community solutions to the Climate Crisis the fomented atmosphere of the US of A is every person for themselves – and blame problems on non-white groups mainly immigrants, LGBTQ, and religious groups such as Muslims. This mentality has infected every element of our culture. Fear, anger, rage and sometimes violence has been promulgated to keep people divided and oppressed. The corporate has secretly promoted an “us versus them” to keep government from doing anything that would assist her citizens.

By the way the internet aka Social Media provides the illusion of immediate solutions the same way people solved all the problems of the world in coffeehouses by just talking about it. So many of us go ballistic when politics doesn’t keep pace with what we want. We’ve been lured into an either / or dynamic of seemingly quick change. A change in politics takes a long time, although when our money is effected voting patterns foster seeming changes.





Smoking – ah hem – cigarettes

black and white portrait person smoker
Photo by omar alnahi on

Nobody wants to really quit smoking except maybe the non-smokers around you.

In fact, nobody wants to quit anything really. We hate loss is why we don’t want to quit. It took me 8 tries to quit smoking to realize that trying was just that: trying.

In the words of Yoda:

“There is no ‘try’. There is ‘do’ or do-not’.”

I started smoking because my girl friend, Tessa, from the college days; smoked. But it took more pressure from her. She smoked sometimes after we made-love and while she was studying at home. I had my own place but I spent a lot of time at her place a block away.

We were in a study group for a post graduate course given at the Boston VA Hospital on Brain Trauma and Injury. The final exam was the only determining factor for the grade. Due to the flu I missed all the lectures on Aphasia. Besides Tessa, everyone else in our small study group smoked. So I started. I picked up one of her smokes and lit-up. I liked it and I was hooked.

Two weeks later I tried to quit after having gone from filtered to non-filtered cigs. I did succeed in quitting for two weeks until I ran into a friend –  a smoker.

I began smoking in ’76 and stopped in 1983 – seven years. It was on again off again.

In the ’81 attempt it was initially freeing. I cleaned large and small bathrooms at an alternate school I attended at that time to replace the hand to mouth habit. About 6 months of smoke detox suppressed frustration and rage reared-up and were loosed on anyone nearby. It was overwhelmingly, which then drove me back to smoking so I could dampen down the intensity.

So, the 9th time around I rewarded myself with breathing cleaner air instead of filling my lungs with smoke. I weaned myself off slowly. I first stopped smoking in my car and then cleaned it – all that brown and yellowish gross film on everything. Next I stopped smoking in my apartment and went down into the back alley. You get the idea. Each time I desired – craved a cigarette – aka cancer stick I would remind myself that I was replacing smoking with breathing cleaner air (and do the peace exercise).

Filling my lungs with smoke whether marijuana or tobacco interfered with emotional cognition and yes — contact with “spiritual energy”. Maybe that’s too woo-woo – that spiritual stuff. I was able to let go of the frustrations and the rage just enough to get by and manage the outburst.  But I was into being a detective to find out where the rage was originating.

And then I was free of it well except for marijuana smoking. That habit lingered until the end of September of 1985 with a two year vow to breathe cleaner air and not smoke MJ. And it worked. However on the first day after the two-year vow ended someone offered me a joint. So I made a 3-year vow. Same thing happened again and I made a 5-year vow. After the 5-year vow ran out I lost the desire to get high.